Chapter 5

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Natasha p.o.v

We are on the way back to Wakanda, and i
hear my phone buzzed and i see who sends it. it's Fury.

Turns out the mission not according the plan.I'm gonna visit you in no time with Agent 13---N.F.S

Agent 13. i have heard that name,but when?--ugh i'm too tired to think of it. and Sam approaches me. "nice to have you back Natasha" he's said with smooth tone, "yeah-- me too" "so why now?--why did you in Stark's side back in Germany?" he's asking me.

"i don't know-- my head says that Tony was right, but my heart says otherwise--so i was really confused that time" i said to him, "you know when you said you with Tony side, Steve was so sad. he's said--he's disappointed with you".

i remain silent. i don't know if Steve was disappointed with me. jeez, what have i done. i let out a sigh. and after that Sam go sit across me. This will be a long ride.

And then i walk toward Wanda, i could see that she's in trauma. "hey" i said first, "hey" she's give me a forced smile, "i'm sorry that you've must through all this--it was all my fault, why i'm in Stark side". she's smiling again--"no Nat, it's not your fault--it's Goverment's, okay?" she said,

i nodded. we keep silent. "so how are you?" Wanda ask me, "me?--i'm good" i said, "why are you asking me?-- you can read my mind right?" i said teasing, "i know--i just...." she's silent for a moment "just what?" i ask her, "when you save me back in prison--i was read your mind for a bit. and i see some fright--and i just wanna know what is it--what kind some fright that Black Widow have?" she's said. i let out a sigh, "you better not know it Wanda" i stood up and go to my sit and close my eyes. This will be a long ride, i said to myself again.

Steve p.o.v

After 6 hour flight in Quinjet, we've arrived in Wakanda, and the King gave us all the room and mine is beside Nat. when we got down, i directly go to my room-- i found out that she's do the same like me, we walking toward the elevator and we pushed the button together, i let out a giggle and she's too, "so how are you cap?" she's asking me, "i'm fine" i smiled to her.

"you're a terrible liar" she's said wtih smirk, "yeah--i think i am", and the elevator door is open we walk out together and we got to our room, "good night, Rogers" she's said-- "you to Nat" and then i get in to my room and get bath--after that get straight to the bed and close my eyes.

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