Chapter 17

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Steve's p.o.v

When Natasha and T'Challa entered the room, we instantly get up and greet them,

"please everyone sit down" T'Challa said and i saw Natasha just smiling behind him

and we all nodded, i saw T'Challa pull out Nat's chair and she gave him a smile, it's been a long time i saw she was smiling and she sit down

After that, we all eating. Situation in the dining room is awkward. Only Natasha and T'Challa enjoyed,

i sit across from Sharon and my left is Clint, everybody seem very enjoyed the dinner. but i can't focus on my food - everytime i'm thinking, the image of Natasha and T'Challa keep showing in my head - and i look to my left, now Clint is talking to Natasha and T'Challa

i look into Sharon direction.she was talking to Sam. Sam is sit in left from Sharon position, i glanced to Wanda, she was sitting beside Sharon

Wanda. she was the only one noticing that i was not comfortable in this room. when i look her again, i think she was reading my mind like usually and she gave a assure sign that i was fine, and i nodded

i quickly finish my food and when its done i get up and say thanks and good night,

i rush to my room, ugh, it's gonna be a long night.

Wanda p.o.v

i looked inside his head. he was thinking about Natasha and T'Challa. i can see that he was jealous and he look at me again, i knew he know that i was reading his mind

i gave him assure look to him and he was just nodded

when he excuse himslef, i take a quick glance on everyone face, but Natasha's. i can see in her face that a little bit sad. when about i look into her head, she was already staring at me

i just started eating again

i don't know what happen between Steve and Natasha, but i know they have a same feeling to each other

Natasha p.o.v

When i saw Steve get out of the room, i knew something wrong with him

And i take a quick glance toward Wanda, she was staring at Steve as he walked out

I knew she was reading his mind. And then she was look into my direction

She's make a concern face,and then she broke the staring and started eating again

I let out a sigh. Something wrong with Steve

When we finished our dinner, we all excuse ourself and get back to our room

I was noticing that Wanda keep staring at me, so i walk into her direction

"Why you keep staring at me? Do you need talk to me?"

"Maybe you should talking to Steve" she said with a little smirk on her face

And then she walked away. I was just stood there, confuse and why Wanda smiling?

What happen to him?

Steve's p.o.v

I quickly open the door and get in to my room. What was i thinking, why everytime i thinking - my head always showed picture of Natasha and T'Challa.

and suddenly there's a soft knock on my door,

"Cap it's me, are you okay?"

i realise it was Natasha, why she had to come when my head always showed her face

"uhh yeah, i'm okay" i replied

"do you want me to come in?"

"uhh no, i'm okay"

then there was a silent and i let out a sigh. she already left. i thought and i close my eyes

"why are you acting like this?"

i jumped from my bed, 'cause i was shock. and i looked to my left - and i saw Natasha, standing there lean back on the wall

she let out a chuckle

"Nat! you shocked me!"

and the she laugh, i think this was her first time laughed after the Civil War incident

"c'mon cap, you're so unbelievable" she said still laughing

she walk over to me and sit on the edge of the bed

"why are you like this?, are you sick?"

"no, of course not"

"then why?"


then she leaned her face to me, gosh!, what was her thinking?!

"you're still terrible liar"

those words made remember about The Winter Soldier in couple years ago

"you know that words make remember The Winter Soldier incident a couple years ago" i said to her

then she gave me a smile, "yeah, you still remember when i said bye-bye bikini?"

"of course" then we both smiled

" y'know i kinda miss the old us"

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