Chapter 15

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Natasha p.o.v

Me,Nathaniel and T'Challa walking to the park

"So i heard that you were a King right now" i said started the conversation

"Yes,since my father died" and he let out sigh

"I'm sorry for what happend to your father"

"That's okay" he give smile to me

"Your father he's seem nice, even though i've seen just once" i said

"Yes,he was make me strong, he alaways lead me to better man"

"Lucky you; you have a father like that" i said, i wish i have a father like that

"What about you Ms.Romanoff, i've never heard about you, i just heard like the deadly spy in the world"

I chuckle a bit,"actually; you never found about my past, 'cause only 7 man in this world know about my past"

He just gave me a "O" word in his mouth

"I guess your past really classified, aren't they"

"Yes" i said

We keep walking until there were a bench,"let's sit there"

We keep talking until we didn't realise Nathaniel is already sleep in my lap

"How old is he?" T'Challa asked me

"He is about one or two years old, he's cute isn't?"

"yes, he is"

Steve p.o.v
Me and Sharon walking to the park,we keep talking about Peggy,

"I really miss her" Sharon said

"Yeah me too" i just let lout a sigh

"So, how'd you met her?" She's ask me

"Well, i met her when we in training camp" i said to her, i really don't like the topic, talking about her just make me sad

"Oh,she is really good aunt to me"

"I can see that"

We keep talking and walking until Sharon point to someone

"It's that Natasha and T'Challa?" Sharon said to me

And i look to them,"yes it was them"

From the distance, i can see that they were like a family. Natasha their baby and T'Challa is his father,like usually a perfect little family. so many thoughts running in my head, i was so jealous.

"Steve,do you hear me?"

"Uhh, what?" I said; i was so lost in my thoughts,"let's apporoach them" Sharon said

And i nodded

"Hey guys, wow you were like family" Sharon said

And Natasha and T'Challa smiled

"What? No" Natasha said

"Yes, you were like family" i said to them

"And you two seem like a couple" Natasha said

"I wish" Sharon answer, and i smiled, did she said that?

Natasha p.o.v
Did Sharon said that? And i saw Steve expression, he was shock like i do

"Let's get Nathaniel get inside" i said to T'Challa,

"Right, this way Ms.Romanoff"

And we make it to Clint's room, i knock first and Clint open the door,"Nat thanks; i really appreciate" and i just smile

"Your majesty, i'm sorry i didn't notice you we're here" Clint said and T'Challa just chuckle,

"just call me T'Challa, Mr.Barton"

"of course, and once again thanks Nat"

"you owe me a lot Clint" i said, and i gave him Nathaniel to Clint

"right, have a good day both of you" and Clint get in; and close the door

"now, what we gonna do now?" i said to T'Challa

"how about we walking around and talking about something"

"right,show the way your majesty"

"just T'Challa, Ms.Romanoff"

"Natasha, just Natasha" i said and we start walking

Steve p.o.v

Now it's just me and Sharon left in park, it's about 4 pm and we just sitting one of the bench

"Steve, what our relationship?" Sharon suddenly ask me

"i think we were bestfreind" i said to her, but somehow i don't feel like she was my bestfreind; to me she was just a close freind

"i'm glad that we in that relationship, 'cause you were the clostes person now in my life"

i really don't understand with her, not long ago she says she want me to be her boyfreind and now she was glad that i'm his bestfreind. so complicated.

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