Chapter 10

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Steve's pov
Now i'm still in the living room. Alone. I get up and walk toward the kitchen- i grab the glass and fill it with water. Suddenly, i feel someone approaches me- i turn around and see who it is, and i see Sharon, standing behind me.
"Hey cap"
"Hi Sharon, what makes you up this early?"
"Nothing,just wanna say Good Night" she says as she smiles to me
I just nod.
"What about you,Steve?"
"I uhh, i just keep thinking about Bucky-that's all" i give her a fake smile
"I see,well i better go to sleep-see you tomorrow Steve, Good night" as she walks away.
I let out a sigh, i thought that Sharon will calm me like Nat does. By the way where is she? And i look to the glass's direction and i see Nat standing infront Fury's room. I see a worried look on her face, what makes she's worried? Is she not happy that she's here?. I let out a sigh again. So, i drink the water and put the glass on the tabel-and go to my room. When i got there- i see Natasha opens the door,"Nat is everything okay?" I ask her
"Uh yeah" she gives me a fake smile
"So,why you up so early? And standing infront of Fury's room?"
"I just thinking about something, wait do you hear what we were talking about?"
"What? No,i don't- i just saw you from the kitchen"
"Oh okay, so uhh see you later cap" and she gets into her room. What makes she's worried? This thought keep running in my head. I open my door, get in and i change my clothes--and straight to the bed.

Tomorrow morning----------

Natasha p.o.v
I get up at 7.30-- damn. I'm late. Soon, i walk toward the bathroom and take a nice bath. After that, i quickly dry my hair and make my hair to ponytail. I'm using a black leather jacket with black leggings and put my nike's
I go out from my room and walk staright to the elevator. I step in, and then i push the button. When the elevator is moving, i turn to my left and i see Steve and Sharon are jogging. They seem happy-i feel little bit jealous for Sharon. I let out a sigh. The elevator stop and i step out--and i walk toward the table. I see everyone is there, Fury, T'Challa,Wanda and else.
"Hey Nat,good morning" Sam says
I just nod and give him a small smile
I take my plate and start eating the breakfast. And then Steve and Sharon are coming--and they giggle something from what Steve says."Good morning everybody" Sharon says. And everyone nod. and they sit down. i am still eating my breakfast and i raise my head and i see everyone is talking to each other. Sam is talking to Wanda, Steve is talking to Sharon, and T'Challa is talking to Fury. and me. i'm alone. So, i quickly eat my breakfast and i get up--tell everyone i excused myself. and i go to my room and change to sport wear. after that i go to the Training room and wasting my time in there.

Steve p.o.v

i'm talking to Sharon and i raise my head to see everyone. they are talking to each other, but when my eyes land on Nat, she is alone. eating and seem uncomfortable. i want to get up and sit beside her, but i can't. and then she gets up and tell everyone that she is excused herself, i feel bad for her,'cause i know that she is the only person in this room was on Stark side. i let out a sigh.

"what's going on with Natasha?" Sam asks to everyone

and everyone land their eyes to Sam, "maybe she's got a problem that we don't need to know" Fury says. What's that problem?

"i'm gonna check on her " Wanda says as she gets up and walking toward the elevator.

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