Chapter 13

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Natasha p.o.v

i know Steve won't be able to continue it, so i do it.

"And the building was wrecked; people was running, yelling for help" i say,"after that we came back to Avengers Tower. Tony was back with secretary of state and they made Sokovia Accords. About 94 nations agreed about that accords. we were told to sign it, but some of us didn't agreed to sign it"

"and who didn't agree?" Fury asks, i glance to Steve; he lets out a deep sigh

"it were Steve, Wanda , Sam and they recruited a guy named Scott Lang, he was the Ant-Man"

"and what about The Winter Soldier?" Fury asks me, and when i'm about to tell him, Steve interrupts me,"he remembered me and i was just trying to protect him after the explosion in Vienna,they thought it was Bucky did it" he explains

Fury just nods from what Steve says,"and what about you Natasha? So you sign the accord, rught?"
"Yes". i say
"Why did you sign the Accords?" Fury says; and they all look at me, and i am speechless.

" 'Cause it was the only way that could protect me", i say and everyone is confused

"What do you mean to protect you? Do you have any problem with someone?" Steve asks me suddenly

"Yes" i say,"who?" Steve asks me, why he is so concern about me?

Steve p.o.v

She has a problem with someone and i don't know about it. And she doesn't even tell me

"It was me" she says, and we all are confused from what she has said,"what do you mean it was you?" Wanda asks her with thick Sokovia accent

"Don't you see, i'm Russian and what happened in Sokovia they all blamed on me, they said that i'm not deserve in Avengers and i'm not part of S.H.I.E.L.D. and i was trying to protect myself and i thought if i sign that Accords was the only way they would trust me. I didn't have any choice" she explains, and i shock, everone is shocked

"And why didn't you join me?" I ask her

" 'Cause, if i joined you, everyone will not have trust on me; i didn't have a choice, okay? Please just understand it" she says desperately

"Yes,we do Natasha; now please calm down" Fury says and she just nods

After that Fury lets out a sigh and we are dismissed and everyone walks out, soon only me in this room. Alone.

And i walk out still thinking about Bucky and Natasha. How could she don't tell me about it?

When Natasha joined Tony, i felt broken. I lost one of my bestfreinds. But, that was the past; and now i'm glad that she's on my side

And i don't relise that i'm already infront of my door. I open the door and walk in. And i realise there is someone in here. and i'm already on attack mode

When i reach to my kitchen, i see a red head standing infront of me. Natasha. Why is she here?

"Nat, is that you?" I say and then she turns around

"Yes,it's me" she says with a smile in her face,

"What took you so long?" She asks me as she sits on one of the chairs

"You waiting for me?" I ask her back, she smiles and nods,"well just lost on thoughts"

" i see" she says and then she looks down; and i know there's something wrong

"What's going on?" I ask her as i sit down across her, she lets out a sigh

"When i signed the Accords; i know i'm selfish. Thinking about myself, protecting myself. It's hard you know to be a spy. everybody keeps asking me what's my nationality", and she smiles a bit,"even myself didn't know what my nationality is"

"Sometime you gotta let it go. I don't care what you're nationality is; the point is don't let them makes you down" i say trying to make her comfortable, she gives me a small smile

"I didn't know you could say that" she says with sarcasm,

"Well,i'm unpredictable " i say with a smile, and then we look each other eye, the green emerald meets mine; they are so beautifull and then she breaks the staring

"So uhhh, after the Airport in Germany; where did you go with your Freind?" She asks me and i just silent

Unforgivable,Unforgettable,Untoldحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن