Chapter Eight

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The next week I spend mostly in my room, mostly on my soft as kitten fur bed. I give Julian and Callen the excuse that I am sad, but in reality I am only waiting until I can find out if I am truly pregnant. I don't think I can be around anyone without wanting to cry out in, I don't know, joy, horror, of what had happened to me. I never told anyone about what had transpired between Darren and I. I knew they would flip, and for some twisted reason I wanted to believe that Darren really didn't mean what he said.

My wolf whimpers and begs me everyday to go back to him, that he didn't mean what he said and that he and his wolf miss the both of us. And I am so tempted to go back, but I know that it isn't going to be as easy as I want it to be. I am not going to be welcomed back with open arms, expecially if I was the 'whore' who got 'knocked up' by the alpha, because knowing Darren, he is too afraid of his father's judgement to stand up to him and say we are mates.

"Oliver? How are you feeling?" Callen asked as he waddled into the room. The sight of the seriously pregnant man in front of me always brightened my day, along with everyone else. I gave him a small smile as I discreetly slid my hand off of my stomach and sat up in the bed. I needed to be more aware of what is happening around me, otherwise people are going to find out about my maybe -most likely- pregnancy before I want them to.

"I'm fine, I'm feeling a alot better, most days I don't want to wake up and die. So, I think thats a start." Callen nods at me before hopping up - Graham would be so mad if he saw that - and laying down on the bed. He groaned out in pleasure as he wiggled his body against the bed before sitting back up and turning towards me. A smile was on his face as he looked at me, a smile that said he was being michevious.

"What? I know what that looks is. Spit it out." I crawl closer and sit on my ankles and I smile back at him. My inevitable pregnancy forgotten in my excitment.

"Well, I have the perfect idea of what we should do today. You, Julian, and I, are going................. SHOPPING." He squealed as he jumped up and down on the bed. I fell back into my bed with an amused giggle before standing up and heading to my closet.

"You better go tell Julian if you want to get out of here before we get caught." I called out the the giggling man. I heard him choke back the giggles before walking out of the room and down to Sampson's and Julian's room.

I met Callen and Julian down in the kitchen, Callen had stopped by to say that the kitchen is where we were all going to meet because Julian and him had 'something' to do before we left. And it because obvious when I walked into the room and they were both fisting credit cards in their hands.

They both turned to me and held up the cards like they were first place awards and in unison yelled........

"Lets go shopping!" I smiled at them before grabbing my shoes and hurrying out the door with them.


After three hours of shopping I am completely pooped out. The first few stores I didn't want to buy anything because I didn't want to use anyone else's money, but then I realized that everything I touched Julian and Callen grabbed in my current size and two sizes up for when I 'gained more weight'. Then after that I was openly telling them the things I like.

"Ohhhh, Oliver, this sweater would look amazing on you." Callen squealed as he held up a black, gray, and white sweater up. I gave him the thumbs up while looking through my own rack.

"What about this one?" Julian asked as he shoved another sweater in my hands, this time a light gray with blue and red stripes. I give him a nod too before pulling out a t-shirt that caught my eye. Julian and Callen have been competing to see who can find me the best clothes. So far all the have brought me I have approved of, and even if they bring something I don't like, I will still say yes because I don't want to make either of them feel bad, two very hormonal, very pregnant men.

Julian's phone rang as he put the sweater over the other clothes pulled on his arm, a mixture of mine and his.

"Hello?" His eyes widened when the person on the other end spoke. He waved both of us over before putting his phone on speaker.

"......and if I find out that you maxed out my card, then so help me, I will spank your ass. Pregnant or not." Sampson growled down the other end of the phone. My cheeks flushed in embarrassment as I saw the lust that overtook Julian's face when Sampson said he was going to spank him.

"I personally wouldn't mind a little spanking." Julian sassed down the phone as he grinned up at the two of us. Callen gave him a silent high five and silently cheered. I giggled quietly at the two of them before grabbing the phone.

"Sampson? Is that you?" I ask innocently down the end of the phone. Sampson take a moment before he answers.

"Yeah, Ollie, it's me. What did you want to say? I am currently scolding my mate." I grinned at Julian before looking back down at the phone, trying to keep my voice even.

"We didn't do anything bad. They were only trying to cheer me up. I'm sorry for messing up." Now it was my turn to give the two other males an air high five. Sampson was quiet on the other end of the phone.

"Fine. I'll let it go, and you didn't mess up, baby. I'm sorry for getting mad, spend all you want." With that he hung up the phone. I cheered and laughed with Julian and Callen before we all calmed down.

"That was brilliant Ollie, now I have to bring you everywhere when we are being michevious." We all giggled again before splitting up to look at the clothes again, but the few hours I have spent with friends, family, have already lifted a major weight off of my drowning heart.

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