A visit from the strongest

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Welcome back people!!! Please support me alright? Alright than... here we g... Ooops before that... I dont own percy jackson.

Chapter 3

Percy POV

After my dad left, i was yet again alone with annabeth. When i saw her face, i felt relieve when i saw her smiling warmly at me but i paled when i saw her muderous eyes staring at me. She walk towards me like a model on a carwalk swaying side to side.

"Honey... are you feeling well already?" asked annabeth with her sweetest voice.

Being the seaweed brain i am, i fell for her trick. "Of course babe..." I replied closing the distance between us to kiss her.

"Good" she said coldly. BAM! She punched me right in my stomach and i curled up in my bed and eventhough i begged her to stop, she did not slow down her assault.

"If... you... ever... risk... or... leave... me... like... that... again... i... swear... that... you... will... hope... your... facing... gaia... with... your... hands... tied... behind... your... back..." punching me with every word.

I cannot help but laugh at her and she looked at me confused and i took advantage of that timing to slam my lips onto hers. "I'm sorry wise girl and i promise not to leave you unless i have to" i stated seriously while looking deep into her eyes.

After a few more minutes of her crying on my shoulder, we stepped out of the infirmary only to be welcomed by both greeks and roman demi-gods and all those that participated during the war.

I was tackled by 3 really fast beings who slammed into me grabbing me into a hug. When i had focused my vision again, i saw my 3 best friends. Thalia grace, Nico di angelo and Grover.

"Perrrrrrrrrrrcy" exclaimed grover. "Hey G-man i miss you too" i replied softly as i can't breath with two people and a stayr on me.

"You alright bro?" asked nico "perfect" i replied trying not to use too much oxygen as i can't breathe properly.

"Looks like your back in shape kelp head" mock thalia "good to see you again thals... Now can you all please get off me?" As soon as they got off me i took in a few mouthful of air.

As soon as i stood up, i looked around my surrounding and noticed all my friends smiling at me. Jason, piper, leo, reyna, frank, hazel, katie, the stolls and octavion(yes he is a good guy. In my story he is the one who stopped the romans from going to the war with the greeks) After a few hugs we all went to the pavillion to eat.

After eating, we all split up to do our own things. Jason and piper as usual were walking together to who knows hades where. Same with hazel and frank. Leo trying his luck with reyna. Katie going back to her strawberries field. The stolls brainstorming on who to prank next. Thalia and annabeth were cathing up as they did not see much during the war, so me, nico and octavion decided to relax on the beach to have a 'man' talk.

"So nico" i started. "How long are you going to keep thalia waiting?" I asked demanding more than asking.

"I'm not sure dude; i mean she IS a hunter and a liutenant at that too." nico sounded defeat.

"Cheer up my friend... I don't know but i got a feeling that its all going to change in the near future" octavion decided to join in the conversation. "I hope your right" nico said sounding a bit more hopeful.

"I'm su... WOW she is beautiful!" octavion suddenly changing the subject staring at a beautiful red head walking towards camp.

Me and nico turn our head to see who octavion is looking at and surprise surprise its rachel dare. Nico and I smirked at each other playfully and called rachel.

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