Giving up on love

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Why does my story only have single digits view? :'(          Is it that bad?

Anyway just going to continue writing. I don't own percy jackson

Annabeth POV

It's been 3+ years since percy disappeard. At first, I felt nothing but sadness... Now, I am furious at him! How dare he! Unlike the time when that hera kidnapped him, he actually send a farewell message to me. That means he left me willingly this time. I really hope with all my heart he comes home BUT if he does he would wish he is fighting gaia all over again.

Thalia has not been the same since that day. She is becoming more hot-tempered and grumpy. It's actually a good thing because whenever we fought with monsters, thalia will just rampage through everything turning everything to dust. She once tried to make herself die by charging to the enemy head on to get herself killed but with a slap, a hug and a few plea from lady artemis herself she turned into a merciless killing monster machine to vent her anger out because of how stupid she had been for hitting and saying stupid things to nico.

Right now we are back at camp half-blood because has to attend a meeting that will take a long time. When we arrived at camp, some of the boys wolf whistled at us and I holding back some of the hunters from killing them. Eventhough it's annoying, I don't hate boys obviously but i joint the hunt to find percy as we were given the task to find percy and nico.

Surprisingly, the hunters need not need alot of convicing maybe because 1 percy already has the respect from everybody including the hunters and artemis herself and 2 nico is not known to be a guy who would play with a woman's heart... Heck he don't even socialize with boys much except for percy and grover.

Anyway here we are at camp. I catch up with a few of my friends.

"Get away from me you STALKER!" I heard shouting and when i turn i saw reyna shouting at leo.

"Awwww... Come on babe it's just dinner." Leo pleaded. "Hey, i'm not your babe" I can't help but chuckled at their situation but the hunters didn't see it that way they saw an irritating boy harassing a girl. So naturally they took out their bow aimed it at leo... and fired.

"AAAAAAAAHHH!" Leo shouted in pain. Of course the wounds won't kill him but it will definitely put him in the infirmary for a few days.

"Thanks girls he's really irritating" reyna said smiling. "Anything for a girl in distress" said phoebe. "I was thinking if i could join you girls... Looks pretty fun." "Of course" exclaimed phoebe "just wait for lady artemis to return." "Right that should get him off my back" reyna added. Suddenly thalia walked towards reyna and whispered but still loud enough for me to hear "Just don't regret it" With that thalia walked away leaving a very confused reyna behind.


I was transported to the infirmary by a few apollo kids. After getting treated, i was told to get a few days of rest before resuming my activities. With nothing better to do i started talking to myself. Is she worth it? All this trouble? Chasing her around like a no-life while she keeps pushing me away. I was so deep in thought that i didn't realise annabeth came in.

"Hey erm... How's your injury doing?" annabeth asked "Healing fast" I said flatly. "I just wanna say... Reyna is joining the hunt" annabeth continued. "Good for her" I managed a smile before turning my back towards annabeth indicating that the topic is no longer for discussion and she left.

I was not able to sleep and after much thinking I decided to give reyna till the day I am released from the infirmary to visit me and I will continue to go after her if not well... Strangers don't talk to each other do they? With that my eyes closed and I sleep.

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