Chapter 1- Strangers

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<POV- Ty_Savage>

You know what happens up to this point... What? You really don't remember? Fine, here's a recap:

I woke up, tears in my still-human, left eye. I wiped the tears away, then sat up. After I was ready, I stepped outside, and was met by a huge, cheering crowd. Then, I meet with the Creator, and blah, blah, blah, I'm walking off the plains into the forest... Away from Jess... Gah, another guy?! How could she!?!??! With that, I send my metallic fist flying through an oak tree. The wood chunks fly all over as the tree topples to the ground. I turn my head, looking over my shoulder at the tree. I pick it up by the trunk, and spin. I then release, sending it flying over the hill to my left. I calm down after a few seconds, then realize the hard truth: I was dead... At least, to my people I was. It had been ten years, and I was dead. What? Could I expect her to wait for me to be raised from the dead? Gah... I need to run...

<POV- omniscient narrator~(The Creator)>

And so he did. Ty took off in a straight line. He reached a speed of thirty miles an hour. He gained speed; forty, fifty, sixty. He kept running, and running, until...

<POV- Ty>

I got up to a speed of eighty miles an hour, then, I saw something, and I was on a collision course with it. I planted one leg forward, and kept the other behind as I skidded across the dirt and grass. It did little good, for I eventually hit it, and we both toppled and rolled for a few more yards. I gathered myself to my feet, then dug my bionic fist into the ground, finishing off any momentum that was left. I looked up after I stopped moving. What the heck is that?!


<POV- Catter123abc>

Really man? Really? I guess I should start over...

Hi, I'm catter123abc. I travel from server to server via a Nether portal that appears whenever my job is done. Well, this time... I didn't exactly find a portal. I was blown up by a creeper. Dang boogers... They really know their way around sneak attacks. Anyways, the last thing I saw was a flash of light, then, I fell through a tree, hit a particularly large branch (which knocked the frickin' wind outta me...) then found myself in this forest. So, to bring you up to speed, I was just walking through the woods, making my way towards a hill to see where I am, when... Well... I didn't get a good look at it... But something going pretty fast, hit me. We tumbled to the ground, and skidded for several yards, landing me face down in the dirt. Okay, I'm pissed. I've been hit by a creeper, a tree, and now something I have no clue what it is... The sword is coming out...

<POV- Ty>

I stand up completely, and walk over to the strange creature. It's human shaped, but it doesn't look totally like a person... Woah, where'd it go? All I know was, there was a small flurry of Ender particles, and I heard an Enderman teleport. I could sense something behind me, so I spun, catching my right arm against a diamond blade. There was the creature, its eyes blazing purple. There were Ender particles floating all around it, and it looked angry. I clutched its blade, and shoved it into the dirt. The creature released the sword, then teleported behind me.

I could almost feel it when it punched me as hard as it could in my back. It hit the metal of my robotic spine. I was in no mood for this... Thing's impudence. I slowly turned as the creature clutched its aching paw. I reached forward, clutching it by the collar with my left hand. The thing's eyes dimmed as it lost oxygen. Then suddenly...


<POV- 100arrowsshot>

"Aaaahh!!!" I screamed as I fell. I must have been almost a hundred feet up, 'cause when I hit the water, it hurt. Not as much as solid ground though. I came to the surface, my armor soaked thoroughly. I got to the pond's edge, then bent over as I caught my breath. Stupid creepers! But, how did they send me flying so far? Wait... I'm in a different server aren't I? Crud... Now what? I started walking through the forest nearby, until I saw a rough collision. Two players collided, one of which was running particularly fast. The other... Catter!

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