Chapter 6- King of the Hill

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They soon came across a valley. Looking up, they saw the cliffs standing much taller than them.

"Should we go through? Or walk around?" Parrot asked.

"Well, I can teleport to the top and see if there's another way," Catter offered.

"Okay, but you should take Arrows with you, just in case," Ty said.

"Consider it done," Arrows said as she walked over to Catter, placing her hand on her shoulder. They then disappeared a moment later.

"I can fly on ahead to get a bird's eye view," Parrot said.

"Alright, just have your scythe ready in case a creeper decides to attack you up there," Ty said with a grin.

Parrot began sprouting his wings. "Haw haw, very funny..." he sarcastically laughed, then took off flying.

"Well, just you and I," Ty said towards Dark when Parrot was a ways away. "You wanna start walking?"

"Sure, I guess," Dark replied.

As they walked, Ty attempted to break the silence, "so, Dark, why do you think you're here?"

"I don't know, probably to fulfill a mission or something. Either that, or I'm being punished or banished for the time being," Dark gave her thoughts aloud.

"Punished? For what?" Ty asked.

"I don't know, but we all do bad things from time to time, sometimes, even without knowing it."

Ty bobbed his head a few times. "That's true I suppose..."

"What about you? Or, is this your home server?"

"No, my home server is long gone. In my most recent mission, I got to visit my home, and bring my people here, to start fresh."

"Why were you separated from them?"

"Well, I died. That is, technically I did. The Creator gave me a second chance."

"Why didn't you respawn?"

"My home was on a hardcore server. Do or die."

"I see..."

Suddenly, Ty stopped moving. "Dark, stop!" he whispered mixed in with a yell.

"What?" she asked as she turned to face him.

He shushed her, then slowly motioned around at the cliffs. She followed his hand, and saw some movement among the caves and rocks.

"What is it?" she whispered.

"Carnage," he said in a low growl. He then slowly raised his right arm, attaching his face mask over his mouth and nose.

Meanwhile, Catter and Arrows were walking along the top of the cliff.

"Wow, I hadn't realized how high up this was..." Arrows marveled.

"Yeah, it's a pretty sweet view. You can see the ocean from here," Catter added.

Indeed, from that high up, the majestic ocean could be seen flowing in its own, still way. The sun, beginning to lower itself over the vast sea, reflected off the water in a colorful, orange glow.

"I've always wanted a nice ocean view," Arrows said.

"Yeah... Well I-" Catter was interrupted by a hard thud on the back of her head, putting her face down into the grass.

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