Chapter 3- It's a bird! It's a plane! Oh wait...

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Long chapter here buddies! Grab a throw pillow, find a seat, get some cocoa, and settle in. Enjoy!

Ty, Catter, and Arrows set off the next day through the forest. They walked for about ten minutes through the forest and over hills. The forest stretched for miles over hills and small valleys. Eventually, they reached a bayou biome next to a mountain cliff.

"Hey Ty, can we rest for a bit?"Arrows asked.

"What, tired already?" Ty asked in reply.

"We don't all have robotic legs like you in case you hadn't noticed," Catter shot back jokingly.

"You can teleport, why are you complaining?" Ty joked at Catter.

"Well, he does have you there Catter..." Arrow said, shrugging her shoulders.

Ty smiled along with Arrows, and Catter started laughing.


"Uh, guys..." Arrows stopped smiling, "what's that?" She pointed in the air at something falling above them, close to the cliff.

Ty zoomed in on it with his robotic eye. "It's a bird... But it's shaped like a human..." Great, first a cat lady, now a bird man? What's next, a cow boy? Hehe... Cowboy..., Ty thought.

"Catter, can you teleport up to him?" Ty asked.

"I could, but his momentum won't stop once I teleport back. The fall will still kill him," she replied.

"Then get ready to teleport me," with that, Ty took off towards the cliff. He dashed up as fast as he could, having to climb at some points. He sprinted, then jumped straight off the cliff. His timing was perfect, for he interrupted the bird man's fall, catching him.

"Guess I should go?" Catter asked Arrows.

"I guess," she replied.

Catter teleported, grabbing onto Ty as he continued his horizontal fall. Then she teleported him close to the ground, and let go herself, tumbling to the ground. Ty hit the ground, planting his feet into the dirt as he held the unconscious boy. Ty's skid finally came to a stop, and he stood up straight. He carried the boy back towards Arrows and Catter.

Arrows began to walk forward, when a scythe fell right in front of her, stabbing the ground, sticking up.

"Holy...!" she exclaimed. She grabbed the scythe's handle, and pulled it out of the ground. She observed it before walking over to Ty and Catter, who were examining the boy.

"Is he even alive?" Catter asked.

"Yeah, his body still produces heat, plus, he has a pulse," Ty replied.

"Hey guys, look," Arrows said, holding up the scythe. She suddenly stops, staring down at the boy. "Hey, I know that guy! His name is... Parrot! At least, that's his nickname."

"How do you know him?" Ty asked.

"We were on a different server together. Stopped a bunch of Wither freak-shows."

"You mean the Wither Creed?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"I know the Creator. Plus, there's divisions of the Creed all over. The Creator had me take down a few. I even killed a few Wither bosses myself. Dang are those things tough..." Ty took out a God potion, pouring it over Parrot's wing, which looked as if it had been injured by a creeper's blast.

"Creeper?" Catter asked.

"You know it," Ty confirmed. Parrot finally came to.

<POV- ewpolly1>

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