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<POV- Narrator/Creator>

Notch opened his eyes and sat up. There was nothing but white all around. Whether it stretched on forever, or was only a 3x3 block room was undeterminable. He stood up, looking around for anybody that could be there also.

"Notch..." a low voice echoed all around.

Notch's heart beat got faster. He turned slowly. "Master..." he then quickly kneeled.

"You seem nervous... Why?" the Creator asked.

Notch remained silent.

"I see... But I am not your master anymore, am I? You have made evil your master."

"I have not submitted to Carnage," Notch said plainly.

"You are right in saying this, for you have made yourself your own master. You've allowed your selfish desires and temptations to be your motives, and your fear to guide your path. You have disobeyed me, Notch, and for that, you are doubly accountable because of the authority I gave you."

"Please, let me have another chance," Notch begged.

"I gave you multiple chances. I gave you a years worth of chances. Who are you to say you'll change on your own?"

Notch bowed his head in shame.

"I am dismembering you. You will continue your missions as a mortal. You are stripped of your rank, and will no longer be allowed in my kingdom until you learn humility. I do this to save you, not just to judge you."

The Creator disappeared, and Notch was instantly in another world. It was night, and several mobs were nearby.

"You are in a hardcore server," The Creator's words came to him.

Notch looked down at his hand, in which was a wooden sword.

"Good luck..."


Notch has been judged accordingly for the time being, and good has triumphed once again.

I decided it be best that Ty's four companions, Catter123abc, ewpolly1, 100arrowsshot, and DarkDragon9090 had no recollection of the last minutes of their adventure.

It is in the Book of Records as follows: instead of Notch, they remember fighting Carnage instead. Catter's sword was restored by the Mauhltaurian weapon specialist. Eli still gave his life for the operation, and they left in the same fashion. That is all that I have adjusted; their memory of Notch's evil. They aren't yet ready to face that truth, but in time they will.

As for now, Ty and his people will live in peace, still searching for Eli. I have another matter to tend to. Farewell my fellow crafters! And happy mining!

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