Chapter 14- Thanks Guys

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<POV- Narrator>

The sun's rays began to peek over the horizon, and the early birds began their song of the morning.

Catter teleported everyone down to the smoking watchtower that had crushed Eli and Notch. The five of them stared at the pile of stone and burnt wood.

"I killed him..." Dark said, tears beginning to form in her eyes.

"Don't say that," Arrows said.

"But it's true! It was my idea to drop the tower on Notch!"

"Dark, you did what you thought was best, and Eli made sure the plan followed through. You have no guilt here," Parrot comforted her.

Ty stepped forward slowly, still wearing his armor, minus the helmet. He began picking up pieces of stone and burnt wood, tossing them aside.

Dark began to cry. "Ty, I'm so sorry!"

Ty continued digging through the rubble, when he found an arm sticking out from several stone blocks. He looked up at the sky which was being filled by the sun's light with each minute. "It wasn't your fault. Eli knew what he was doing. Besides, this isn't a hardcore server; he can't be deleted." Ty removed the stone blocks, revealing Notch's limp body. "You however..." Ty grabbed onto Notch's shoulders, then dragged him out of the mess and laid him on the ground.

Notch's eyes opened slightly, then all the way. He struggled to pick himself up. When he looked in front of himself, Catter, Arrows, Dark, Parrot, and Ty all stared at him.

"Well now, don't tell me you all waited here just for me," Notch said sarcastically.

"You bet we did," Ty said.

Everyone simultaneously raised their weapons.

"In the name of the Creator, I, Ty_Savage ban you from this server," Ty said authoritatively. Then they all attacked at the same time, killing him.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<Later on...>~

Ty watched as the sun peeked over the forest horizon. He stood alone on the mountain's edge, his bionic arm remade, and upgraded. He stared down at it, moving the fingers in and out of a fist formation. Shira soon came up behind him.

"Hey," Ty greeted.

Shira stopped. "How did you..."

"I could hear your footsteps. You have a very light step, so I could tell it was you," he explained.

"Oh," she said, continuing next to him. She looked at the sunrise with him. "How are you feeling?"

Ty still stared at the sun. "I think I'll be alright," he said as he turned to face her. He smiled without showing teeth.

Shira smiled back. She then leaned against him, resting her head on his left shoulder.

He put his arm around her waist, and they continued watching the sun rise.

Catter, Parrot, Dark and Arrows walked up to them, coming onto Ty's right.

"Ty," Catter began. "It's time for us to go. Our portal is here."

Ty released his arm from Shira and walked over to his four friends. "What I'm about to do is rare," he admitted.

"Polly," he held his human arm out to Parrot. Parrot slowly reached up, then grabbed Ty's hand and shook.

Ty pulled him in, hugging him. The hug didn't last long, but it made a statement.

"Catter," he moved on. He gave her a handshake and hug as well.

"Arrows," he said just before doing the same to her.

"And Dark," he greeted, and hugged her as well.

"I wish you all well in your journeys ahead. You have been great allies as well as friends, and I thank you all," Ty said. He looked to his right, seeing the Nether portal. "You guys should go. New adventures await you I'm sure." He smiled.

They all smiled as well, including Shira. They turned, and began walking towards the portal. Parrot stopped and turned back to Ty. "Wait, what about Eli?" he asked.

Ty looked back at the sunrise, which was now breaking into late dawn. "He re-spawned. Where, I don't know." He looked at Shira, then back out at the world. "He's out there... Somewhere."

The End...?

Thank you all for reading! I had fun writing this story! Thank you ewpolly1, Catter123abc, 100arrowsshot, and DarkDragon9090 for being in my story!! It was a great adventure! I also wish to thank my 29 followers! I was guna wait til' 30, but what the heck! Thanks you guys!! I can't wait until my next story! Have a blessed evening! Farewell! (until next time... ;)

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