Chapter 2- Near-Friends

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<POV- Arrows>

We followed the cyborg, "Ty", up the hill, the trees not thinning one bit. Geez, how big is this hill? We hiked for about five more minutes before we finally could see over it.

"Arrows," Catter whispered to me.


"Look," she said, pointing in the opposite direction of our walk.

Following her point, I saw a large mountain sitting on a plain. It looked like it had a village on it.

"What do you think? Should we go for it?" she asked me.

"Sure. I have no clue where this guy is going, plus, it's a village on a mountain! I want to see it up close," I reply excitedly. And with that, we set off.

"Wait," I stop for a second. "Should we let him know we aren't following him anymore?"

"I've got a headache that says 'no'," Catter said.

"Fair enough." Then we began walking down the hill, only looking back once.

<POV- Ty>

Looks like they decided to go their own way. Well, I'm not going back. At least, not yet. I need to just... Think.

You better not think too long... The Creator's words came to me.

What, Jo, what? Why are these girls here? Are they supposed to help me? Help the server? 'Cause I'm pretty sure I'm the one who almost died saving this world.


I shut up, right there.

You will help each other. You each have strengths the other doesn't, and you will need them. Keep your faith about you, you'll need it.

I sighed heavily through my mask. Fine, I'll... I hear two screams.


I take off in a sprint, back up the hill. When I reach the top, I can see the girls, running from something... Big. I back up, sprint, then propel myself into the air.

<POV- Catter>

"Arrows, hold on!" Just before I teleport us up into a tree, I hear a loud thud behind us. It was the robot guy! He stood between us, and the huge, black beast, still charging at us. Its eyes were a flaming red, and its skin (if it was skin) was darker than a block of coal. He raised his arm, and shot the monster in between its eyes with a laser. The monster stumbled forward, and slid on the ground, stopping right in front of the Ty guy, dead. He kicked the thing's jaw, then turned to face us. We stared in disbelief.

"Look," he stepped forward, "I'm not too keen about working with the girl version of Robin Hood, and a cat lady, but we're here for a reason, and we need to work together."

I gave Arrows the look that says, 'well, he'd be useful in a fight...'

"So, friends?" Arrows offered her hand to him.

"Let's say, near-friends," he said grabbing her right hand with his.

"So Robin Hood, you got any more of your merry-men hiding around here?"

Arrows seemed annoyed, because she protested, "okay, first off, you'll call me Arrows, and her Catter," she gestured to me. "Got it?"

"I'd expect the hissing to come from the cat. Okay, Arrows, and Catter," he corrected himself.

"And second, we need to get to the village over there," she pointed to the mountain.

"Fine, we'll spend the night at my village, then head out in the morning. Anything else?"

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