Chapter 4- And then there were five...

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The next day, the four packed up their camp, and headed on. They made their way through the thick forest, which soon ran into an even thicker jungle. Coming out to a clearing, they found a river that ran through the jungle, and decided to replenish their water supply. Ty and Parrot caught some fish, while Arrows kept an eye out for animals, and Catter teleported on top of a tree to see how big the jungle was. Ty and Parrot began talking while Ty cooked the fish.

"So what's your story Polly?" Ty asked.

"What do you mean?" Parrot asked.

"Like, how did you come to get here, to this server?"

"Ah, well, I was flying when a creeper landed on my back, and exploded. Next thing I knew, I was here."

"Okay... Were you near a cliff?"

"No, that's the thing, the creeper came out of nowhere!" As the words left his mouth, he was crushed by someone falling on top of him.

"Dude, I think you're just cursed..."

A few seconds later, Catter teleported to the ground, next to Ty.

<POV- Catter>

"Wow..." I summed as I took in the amazing view. "I could get used to this..."

The jungle trees were close together, creating a single blanket of leaves that curved and tucked down as the height of the trees varied. The river could also be seen as it weaved through the thick trees. As amazing as this view was, it made me want to cry; after my business was done here, I had to move on to the next server.

I nearly shed a tear, when above me, an explosion erupted, followed by a bright, white light. Out of the light, a person fell down towards me. They landed on the leaves in front of me, which gave way, and they fell through towards the jungle floor.

I teleported to the ground, seeing that the person had fallen on top of Parrot. Ty walked over, lifting the hooded figure off of Parrot and setting them on the ground.

<POV- Narrator>

"Let go of me!" the person struggled to get away from Ty's grip. She was in fact a girl. Ty let go of her. She struggled to find her footing at first, but when she did, she drew her sword.

The whole group now stood in front of the stranger.

"Who are you?" Catter asked.

"I should ask the same thing!" the hooded figure asked.

"Why did you tackle me?" Parrot asked, a little annoyed.

So many questions... Ty thought.

"What are you doing here?" Arrows asked.

"What are you doing here?" the stranger asked.

"We asked you first," Catter stated, also seeming annoyed.


Everybody was quiet.

"Okay, okay! But, could you please put the tree down?" the stranger asked.

Everyone in front of Ty turned, and stared.

Ty looked to his right, and in his bionic hand, he held a jungle tree. It wasn't huge. In fact, it was only five blocks tall, but it definitely made a statement.

"Right..." Ty tossed the tree away. "Sorry 'bout that."

"Okay..." the stranger set her sword down, then pulled her hood off. "I'm DarkDragon9090, but you can call me Dark."

Songs of Sorrow ~A Minecraft Mishap~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang