Chapter 5- Calling all the mobsters...

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<POV- Parrot>

I ran through the mine, hordes of spiders chasing me. I reached a chasm, and continued running across the miner's bridge. There were more spiders and even silver fish waiting on the other side. Just as I was about to jump off to fly away, a gigantic spider rose up in front of me, almost touching each wall of the chasm. I turned to go the other way, but another enormous spider blocked my path; I was trapped.

The spiders advanced. I did my best to fight them off, but they eventually got my scythe away, and began to cover the bridge, and me, in webs. Next thing I knew, I blacked out.

I shot up, off the bed, my scythe drawn, and my wings spread out. I looked around the room, and saw the whole group there. I was breathing heavily.

"You okay Parrot?" Catter asked.

Before answering, I took in a few more, deep breathes."Yeah... I-I guess..."

"You feeling well enough to continue on? You got a pretty nasty bite," Ty said.

I felt the back of my neck. It was bandaged over, but I could feel bumps where the bite was, and it still hurt. I winced from the pain. "Yeah, I should be fine, just a little dizzy."

"Are we all ready to go?" Ty asked the group. Everyone said yes, or nodded.

"Okay then, let's get out of here," Ty got up and started walking to the door.

I leaned on my scythe as I walked until my head stopped spinning. Then, the fun began...

<POV- Narrator>

The five were making their way back to the hole, when a few zombies appeared. The five easily overcame them, but more began approaching, now aided by skeletons and creepers.

"Dark, start mining!" Ty ordered.

"What?" she asked, confused.

"Use a pickaxe, and start digging into the wall," Ty said before shooting a skeleton in the head.

Dark pulled out a diamond pickaxe, and began beveling into the wall. She hadn't gone six blocks in when she was suddenly standing on the edge of a chasm with various water and lava flows. She looked to her right, and saw a bridge not to far away, somewhat illuminated by the lava flows. "Guys! There's a bridge!"

"I know, everyone, go in!" Ty ordered.

Everyone began to enter Dark's passage, with Ty following close behind, when a zombie hit Ty on the metallic portion of his back. Ty whipped around, grabbed the zombie's arm, and threw him at a creeper. Another zombie advanced, and Ty whipped one of his swords out, cutting it off at the knees as it fell over. He then threw his sword into a creeper's head, retrieved it using his grapple, then entered and sealed the passage as the creeper exploded.

Dark had begun building a bridge along the chasm's side with stone. They finally made it to the bridge, and made sure everyone was present. Ty used his x-ray vision to figure out which passage they should take.

"Come on guys, we're really close to getting out of here," he announced as he walked towards the cave they were closest to.

Suddenly, the moans and growls of zombies filled the chasm, echoing off the walls. It was soon joined by the occasional hiss of a creeper, and even the rattling bones of skeletons walking.

"Maybe we should run..." Arrows suggested.

"Ya think?" Catter asked.

The while group began to follow Ty through the caves. They finally saw the light that came through the hole that led out to the jungle. Ty ran ahead, "come on guys!"

Parrot was flying, and continued on up through the hole. Catter teleported up. Soon, Ty saw dozens of mobs following close behind Arrows and Dark.

"Okay, hurry!" Ty yelled at them. A zombie jumped at Ty, so he grabbed it by the collar, and flung it over his shoulder into a wall. Another came at him, which he decapitated. He then shot a creeper in the head, and a skeleton too. Ty got down on one knee, and held his hands out.

"Come on, come on," he silently encouraged Arrows and Dark. Dark reached Ty, stepped on his hands, then Ty lifted up quickly, propelling her out of the hole. Then Arrows followed a few seconds later. Right as the horde closed in on Ty, he jumped out of the hole, which Catter, Parrot, and Arrows filled with stone after.

"Phew!" Parrot exclaimed.

"That was close," Dark added.

There was silence, then they all began laughing.

"Oh man... That was fun actually," Arrows said.

"Yeah! You should've seen your face!" Parrot joked.

"If it was anything like your face when you got bit, it must've been pretty funny!" Arrows returned the pun.

They laughed and joked for a few more minutes, then started back on their journey.

Nearby, Carnage watched as they continued talking as they went. He grinned evilly, his red eyes glowing with anger "Looks like it's time to raise the bar..."

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