Chapter 2

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The bell finally goes; I re-pack my pencil case, books and everything else into my bag before walking out of the mundane classroom. A reminder pops into my head that I haven't texted my mom to ask if I can go to Nate's house. Although I am excited, I am also nervous, and curious as to why I have accepted his request in the blink of an eye. After all, I've only just met him.

Out of my bag, I take my phone and text my mom asking if I can go to "a friend's house" for a bit. I know that if I were to say "Nate's house" or even "a guy friend's house" that she'll flip out. So just saying "a friend" is a lot easier. Without even realising it, I have exited the school. Walking over to a lone pillar, to stay out of everyone's way, I feel a gentle, but urgent, tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Nate standing not too close beside me, ready to speak.

"Hey, have you texted your mom yet?" He asks, looking and pointing at the phone still in my head. I look down and see that, just as he said that, she has texted I back.

"Yeah, actually. She just texted me back. She said", I looked down and read the response to him, "yeah, sure. Be back by 7 or 8".

"Cool." He responds. "My mom's waiting in the car park, I already told her you were coming."

"You already told her, even though it wasn't definite." I question, a tinge of teasing in my voice.

"Yeah. It's easier to cancel on her than never tell her my plans. She's like that." He informs me. "Come on." He leads me away from the school premises.

We arrive at a gate. Nate pushes it open and I see a few cars in there. Not knowing where to go, I follow Nate over to a light blue Toyota Prius Hybrid. Nate opens the back seat and slides in, before motioning me in after him. I climb in and buckle my seat belt, placing my bag by my feet.

"Mom, this is Kacey." Nate informs his mom.

"Hi Kacey." His mom greets me.

"Hi." I respond, awkwardly as his mom starts the car and drives out of the car park.

We get to Nate's house after what seems like the most awkward journey – of me twiddling my thumbs and shuffling my feet in the pure silence – ever. I'm still extremely nervous, but I'm not as nervous as before. Nate gets out of the car before me, whilst I'm preoccupied on my phone, and he walks over to my side before opening the door and motioning me out of the car. I step out of the car, allowing him to close the door behind me, and put my phone in my bag that I luckily remembered to take out of the car. I quickly realise that I'm not wearing a jacket, because the sudden stab of cold sends a shiver through my spine. I step aside from the car and take a minute to study the house. It's gorgeous; the dream house.

The brick exterior looks fresh, no dirt or cracks. The door is a deep red with a golden knocker, and the space beneath the windows is surrounded by arrays of flowers. The house is at least twice the size of my own, in both height and width, and the roof is pure grey. The assumingly bay windows on the bottom floor are guarded by a row of bushes, and a spacious array of flowers poking through the leaves as if to get a better look at the outside world. The door is a dark red colour, perfectly matching the autumnal leaves floating around outside the brick walls. The door handle is a polished gold, and its perfect coating, no chipped areas in sight, gives the impression that it's never been used, obviously it has though. Due to the curtain that are supposed to be closing off the living room being wide open, I can see a small portion of what's inside. The sofa is resting against the pale blue wall, and is a plain grey. However, the dullness of the grey is combatted with the various throws and cushions, which are alternate sorts of vibrant yellows, blues, greens etc. After seeing the glory that is presented by this house, the only hope in my mind is that Nate isn't an arrogant, careless guy like most obnoxiously rich people. Still, though, I'm in complete awe.


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