Chapter 4

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"Okay, first of all, he's not my boyfriend. And second of all, a hello would have been nice." I say.

"Hello. Now, who's the boy?" She asks.

"He's just a new boy at school, like I texted you earlier." I say as I walk upstairs and flop onto my bed. I get my phone out and text the number Nathan had given me.

K~ Hey, it's Kacey :)

I lock my phone screen and almost immediately get a text back.

N~ Hey, what you up to

K~ Nothing much, gonna have a shower in a min, what about you?

N~ Same really. But I've gotta go, see you tomorrow

K- Okay, see u tomorrow :)

I lock my phone screen and go into the bathroom. Seeing there is already two towels on the rail, I turn the shower on, get undressed and enter, allowing the steamy, hot water travel down my body, taking any remainder of annoyance, worry or any negative emotions down the drain with it.

After about 30 minutes I turn off the water and get out of the shower. I wrap one towel around my body, and one towel around my hair, then I quickly walk to my bedroom to get dressed. I put on a cute panda onesie with stick-up ears and check my phone. I see a text from Nathan, I thought he had to go? This thought slipping my mind, I look at the text and see something I didn't expect.

N~ Meet me by the lunch room first thing tomorrow :)

I don't understand why I have to meet him, but the thought slips my mind as I put my phone on charge, get into my bed and wrap my duvet around me, the light pink colour comforting me like a soft cloud in a story book.


I reach my hand out, fumbling around for the snooze button on my alarm clock, and whack it, causing it to fall off of my night stand. I guess my mom set my alarm after I fell asleep. I rub my eyes with my hands as I slowly open them, put my unicorn slippers on and push the duvet away from me to get out of bed.

I walk to the bathroom, brush my teeth, wash my face and walk back to my bedroom as I open my wardrobe and scan for any clothes I want to wear. I end up picking a baby pick, long-sleeved cropped top with a black skater skirt and my white converse, with a black jacket, unzipped, to go over it. I grab my phone, walk downstairs, grab my keys and bag, and head out of the door, starting my 15 minute walk to school.

As I walk into school , I remember the text Nate had sent me the night before. Thinking about this, I walk towards the lunch room and see Nate on his phone, leaning against the wall. As he looks up and sees me walking towards him, he puts his phone in his pocket and smiles.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey, how've you been?" He asks, why won't he just tell me why I had to meet him here?

"I've been good, how about you?" I ask, trying to sound polite but the impatience was building up in me.

"Same, you're probably wondering why I asked you to meet me here." He says, practically reading my thoughts. I nod in response.

"I got you something." He says as he takes his backpack off of his shoulder and opens it up. He takes out a small box wrapped in white wrapping paper, and a gold ribbon was tied around it.

"Really, you don't have to." I say, again, trying to sound polite.

"Just open it." He says as he hands me the box. I carefully un-tie the ribbon and un-wrap the wrapping paper, being cautious not to rip it. Inside the packaging is a box. It is a deep velvet red colour, and feels as soft as satin. I slowly take off the lid and see something so stunning. So beautiful. It is a necklace. It is a thin silver chain, with a blue flower charm, the size of my eye. I take the necklace out of the box and look at it in awe.

"Nathan, it's so beautiful. Why did you get me this?" I ask out of curiosity.

"When I saw it, it reminded me of you. I don't know why, but everytime I thought about it, you popped into my head." He says.

"Thank you so much, I love it." I say as I throw my arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug. I had to stand on my tip toes to reach him, but I managed nonetheless. My head fits perfectly in the crease of his neck as I breath in the scent that wraps around him like a tight bodysuit.

"It's nothing, really." He says.

"You must have a weird definition of the word 'nothing'." I say as I pull out of the hug. I stare into his dark green, twinkling eyes and feel compelled to do something I have never done before, and if I have then not for a long time. I feel my lips start to tingle, to crave his lips, to want him next to me and have his fingers intertwine with mine as we dance like there's no tomorrow. But, that can never happen. He is my friend, I don't have feelings for him, and even if I did, he didn't. That's the bad part of love, not that I know much about it. The worst part is loving someone so much, but they think of you as a friend, sometimes less. But that doesn't matter, I do not have feelings for Nathan Rowland. Therefore, I look away. 

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