Chapter 6

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My eyes slowly open and my head feels out of place. What happened? Where am I? After I have fully opened my eyes, I see that I'm not at school, nor at my house. I'm in...Nate's house? I look around and see Nate sat at the foot of the bed I'm somehow in. His head is resting on his shoulder and his elbow is leaning against the arm of the chair he is sat on.
"Nate?" I say, completely confused about everything that's happened. Nate's head lifts off of his shoulder as his eyes open, slower than mine did. Seeing me, he immediately jumps up from the chair and lunges over, beside me.
"Kacey, oh my God are you okay?" He asks me.
"Apart from not knowing why I'm here or what happened, yeah." I say, rubbing my eyes and sitting up.
"Something happened to you in the girls toilets. I went to get a teacher after you ran in there, and they found you with your eyes closed, and resting against the wall. You seemed very shaken up so I told them I'd take you home, but your mom wasn't in, so I put you in my bed. And that's everything up until this point." He says. I get out of his bed, the memories begin flooding back to me. I try to walk out of his bedroom but my legs are weak and I fall over, but I don't fall on to the floor. Nathan catches me and helps me up.
"It's probably not safe for you to get up, go back to sleep and get some rest." He says to me. He leads me back into his bed and pulls the duvet up to my neck as I snuggle into it.
"By the way, your mom said you can spend the night here. I'll wake you up at dinner time." He says as he gives me a hug.
"Thank you." I say as I drift off to sleep.

"Kacey, Kacey wake up." I hear someone whisper as they shake me slightly.
"Huh?" I say, rubbing my eyes and slowly sitting up.
"My mom's made dinner." He says to me. I get up and give Nathan a hug, catching him off guard. I think I like him, and more than just a friend.
"What's this for?" He asks me, steadying his balance.
"You're the only true friend I have, thank you so much for being here for me." I say as I begin to tear up. Nathan kisses me on the fore head and pulls out of the hug as I feel myself blush. He gently wipes away my tears.
"Come on, it's half five and you haven't eaten since lunch, and you didn't eat much then either." He says as he takes my wrist and leads me downstairs to the lounge. I sit down as he takes the foldable table from behind the door and lays it out. He goes out of the room and comes back in with two plates of pasta. He puts on in front of me and one opposite me as he sits down beside it. His mom walks in moments later with another plate, sets it down next to me and sits beside me.
"Are you okay darling? I heard what happened." She says to me.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little bit light headed." I say. After saying that, she goes out of the room and comes back in with three drinks of water. She gives one to me, one to Nathan, sits down and puts one in front of herself as we start eating.

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