Chapter 8

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My mouth opens wider than the Grand Canyon as I slowly open my eyes. In an attempt to stretch my arms out, I remember that Nate is sleeping beside me, so I quickly bring my arms back down, coming into contact with the duvet.

"Nate." I say whilst shaking him ever so slightly, attempting to wake him up. I hear a muffled sound of a confusion come out of his mouth.

"It's time to wake up, it's", I check the time on the clock hanging on the wall in front of his bed. It reads '9:26', "it's half nine." I round the time up to half past.

"Okay." Nate mumbles as he rubs his eyes and sits up, I do the same. He kisses me on the forehead, grabs his dressing gown, wraps it around himself and goes downstairs. Following his footsteps, I go downstairs, we are both greeted by his mother in the kitchen, cooking something that smells like heaven in a scent. Nate takes a browse and shouts out so loud I'm sure Africa heard it "PANCAKES!"

I giggle slightly at his excitement as I walk into the kitchen, joining him and his mom. He wraps his arm around my waist, literally connecting us at each others' hip.

"What do you like on your pancakes darling?" His mom asks me after I enter the kitchen.

"Anything really, I'll just have what you guys have." I say, truthfully. 

"Okay." She says as she walks out of the kitchen with two plates, Nate and I follow her into the lounge. It seems the table is already laid out, so she sets down the plates next to each other. Nate and I sit next to each other, in front of the plates, and tuck in, drowning the pancakes in various colours and sauces.

"Wow, these are amazing." I say, covering my mouth and melting into the fluffy texture in my mouth.

"There my mom's specialty." Nathan says, looking over at his mom and smiling, her also smiling in response.

We finish our pancakes and I go to stand up and take my plate out when Nathan's mom walks over.

"No honey, it's fine. You sit back down." She says as she takes my plate and looks at Nate with a you'll-thank-me-later look. I sit back down and see him staring at me as his mom walks out of the room.

"What?" I ask him, curious as to why his mom had looked at him like that.

"I want to take you out somewhere."

"Huh? Why? What do you mean?" I ask him.

"You deserve it. There's a box on my bed upstairs with instructions. Meet me down here in half an hour, okay?"

"Erm, okay." I say, as I run upstairs, filled with extreme excitement and a slight feeling of confusion.

As I get upstairs, I go into Nate's room and see a box covered in gold wrapping paper, and topped with a white bow. I go over to it and cautiously untie the bow before slowly tearing off the wrapping paper, being careful not to rip it. I take the lid off of the box inside and see a note on the top of a pile of fabric. I take the note off and place it on to the bed sheet next to where I am sitting.

After doing this, I take out the piece of fabric and hold it out in front of me. It unravels and shows itself to be a black dress with cutouts on the waist. It looks as though it goes to just above the knees, and has sort of tank top style straps, or like a bralette. The material is a smooth stretchy material, soft like silk. I look back in the box and see a pair of black high heel boots, black tights and a white clutch with gold detailing, which I only just realize matches the edges of the dress. I put the outfit on and it's a perfect fit, how did he know my size? The thought leaves my mind as I glance over to the bed, remembering that I had put the note on the duvet. I take the note from the bed and read it.

Knowing you you've probably just put on the outfit already, so here's what you need to do. Yesterday I went to your house and your mom gave me your tooth brush, makeup and other things you use on the daily. They're all dotted around the bathroom where the average person would find them. Find everything, use what you want and meet me in the lounge at half past xxx

I look at the clock and see that it's quarter past 2, I've only got 15 minutes to find everything. I look in the bathroom and find my makeup bag and toothbrush, along with my hairbrush in the cabinet. I brush my teeth, brush out my hair and do a natural makeup look with mascara, eyeshadow, eyeliner, lipstick and blush. I walk out of the bathroom, into the bedroom and grab my phone. It's 2:27 so I grab the clutch, put a few things in it and head downstairs. I wait until it's exactly half past and walk into the lounge, to be greeted by Nate in a tuxedo, matched with a blinding white shirt and a deep blue tie.

"Wow. STUNNING!" Nate says, stuttering and filled to the brim with nerves as he looks down.

"I was about to say the same to you", I say, "but, where are we going?"

"You'll find out in approximately 30 minutes." He says as he grabs my hand and leads me out of the house. We are greeted by a limousine. A......FREAKING......LIMOUSINE!!!

"Oh, My, God, Nate!" I say, complete with excitement and butterflies.

"Come on in." He says as he climbs inside, I follow behind him. This is going to be magical.

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