Chapter 5

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Pulling out of the hug, I hear the bell ring, meaning the start of our first lesson. Nate picks up his bag, puts it on his shoulder and follows me into the school building. We'd figured out that we had all of the same lessons, so he could just follow me to all of the room. We enter our Art room and I am greeted by my teacher.

"Hello Kacey, could I speak to you for a moment?" Miss Telford asks me.
"Of course." I say as I walk over to her desk with her.
"As you know, you're a very talented student, and there is a new student in this class. You may know him, Nathan Rowland." She says to me.
"Yes." I assure her.
"Well, I'd like you to help him in this lesson. He's a bit, shall I say 'challenged' in Art, so I'd like you to help him bring his grades up." She says.
"Okay." I say as I walk over to my desk and see Nathan walk towards me. He wasn't able to hear my conversation with the teacher because he was standing by the door, on the other side of the room. He sits down beside me and the teacher places a sketch pad in front of him, meanwhile giving me a don't-forget look as she walks back to her desk. I take my sketchbook from my nearly overflowing backpack and begin to scribble down the objects instructed by the teacher, my pencil constantly breaking in the process.

Finally, it's lunch time. Only 1 more lesson until the end of the day. I'd helped Nathan as much as I could with all if his lessons, giving me a good feeling. I walk into the lunch room, sit down in the same seat as yesterday and take my lunch out of my bag, pasta. Nathan comes into the lunch room and sits opposite me, also taking his lunch out. I take my phone out of the pocket on my hoodie and see that I've got 5 Facebook notifications. I open them and see something I definitely don't expect.

5 people have written on your timeline-
Who's the boyfriend Kacey? Lmao
He's just being nice, no one would actually like her.
He's new, he'll figure it out soon enough.
Probably why she's been wearing hooded, covering a baby bump lmao
Yessss omg that's gotta be it!

The words ring in my head like a siren, an alarm. How has this started? Why are they doing this. I can feel tears dropping down my cheek. Not wanting to embarrass myself, I put everything in my bag and run straight for the girls' toilets. I feel my breathing quicken, but my movements unfortunately don't follow the same pace. My bag's zipper is stubborn, but eventually it closes, all whilst Nate has a face of concern plastered on to him.
"Kacey, what's wrong?!" Nathan shouts from behind me as he consistently quickens his pace, trying to catch up with me. I wasn't listening. I storm into a cubicle and slide down the wall with my head and back resting against it. The tears are falling from my eyes like a tap and my body is shaking more than ever. My heart was racing and my palms were sweaty. My breath quickened and I began to feel drowsy as my eyes began to close, but that's the last thing I could remember, aside from the desperate knocks on the door followed by someone I can only assume was Nate screaming.

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