Chapter 13

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"Kacey......Kacey." I hear Nate's voice say as he he shakes me, in an attempt to wake me up. 

"Yeah?" I say, rubbing my eyes and sitting up in the bed I'm somehow in. I can't remember what happened, all I remember is falling asleep in the car.

"It's 11 am. You need to wake up. Your head looks worse." 

"Oh." I say. I push the duvet away from me and get out of the bed, before walking into the bathroom and looking at my head. I see a large, bruised bump. Automatically, I touch it. It kills.

"Agh." I groan out of pain. I see Nathan pacing around the room with his hands running through his hair, this immediately worries.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask, placing my hand gently on his shoulder to comfort him. " You seem extremely stressed out.

"Okay err", he begins, "sit down for a second. I need to tell you something."

"Okay", I say with suspicion, "you're really scaring me now. What's going on."

"Well, me and my mom", he breathes in deeply and exhales shortly after," told social services about what your mom did." I sit there in silence, staring at Nate.

"I'm sorry it's just that we didn't want you to be in that situation again and we wanted to make sure that sh-" I get up and place my index finger over his lips to stop his ramble; by now he has stood up and continued pacing.

"It's okay." I reassure him.

"Wait, what? I mean I'm glad you're alright - obviously - but, I thought you- like- you know what I mean, right?"

"Yeah. Is everything sorted out?" I ask.

"Absolutely. You're legally a permanent resident of the, well mine and my mom's residence." He announces, making me laugh. "Why aren't you more upset about this? I'm glad that you're not, but why aren't you?"

"I guess it just hasn't really set in. I mean, how would you react if your boyfriend told you he reported your mom to social services, how would you react?" I question, not really sure if I'm expecting an answer.

"Well first thing's first, I wouldn't have a boyfriend." I giggle, of course he would choose that point to focus on.

"You know what I mean." I lightly hit his arm as a joke.

"I guess I'd either- no I'd definitely react the way you did, now that I think about it." He says.

"You see?" I smile. "We're perfect for each other." I chuckle and take my phone from off of the night stand, I could see that someone had plugged it in for me the night before. I saw about a million messaged from my mom among the huge amount of missed calls. I immediately get rid of them and motion Nate downstairs. "Come on, let's get breakfast. I need something to keep my occupied." I give a half-hearted laugh and walk down the stairs. 

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