Chapter 12

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We pull up to my mom's house at 9:30 p.m after a while of soppy conversations and crying at the park. I feel sad about leaving tonight, but I know that I need a bit of time to relax after everything, especially seeing my dad and having a random breakdown. 

Getting out of the limo is a struggle, especially since I feel a lot weaker, but I manage. Nate drops me off at my mom's house after handing me my clutch and then waving goodbye. I stand in silence as I watch the limo become smaller and smaller, driving away into the distance. I turn around and walk up to my front door before gently knocking and waiting for my mom to answer. She doesn't answer straight away like she usually does, so I feel my nerves coming back. I knock again just in case she didn't hear, still no answer. I begin knocking heavily until I hear someone mumbling behind me, it's my mom. Her walking is barely that of a toddler, let alone a full grown woman. I run over to her and support her by putting her arm over my shoulder.

"Mom, are you okay?" I'm full of concern.

"Yyeahhh. I'm....fine." She slurs her words, she's clearly drunk at the least.

"Where's the keys?" I ask.

"In my hand." She hands me the keys. I walk her towards the front door and struggle to unlock it before laying her down on the sofa. I run into the kitchen, grab a plastic cup and fill it with water before sitting her up and handing it to her.

"Mom, why did you go out?" I ask. She hasn't been to a club since, well since my dad left.

"Because I can, you selfish brat!" My mom yells, before taking her heels of and hitting me around the head with full force, causing me to fall over and grab where the impact was.

"Mom, what the hell?" I say before stumbling up to my feet and running up the stairs, into my room. I close the door behind me and push my small bookcase against it, crying for the 3 time. I grab my clutch and take my phone out to call Nate. He answers after a few rings.

"Hey." He greets me.

"Nate, I-I'm s-s-scared." I say through hiccuped breaths and tears.

"Kacey, what's wrong?" He asks. 

"Just come over, can I stay at yours for a while?" I ask, expecting him to say no.

"Look, just have a bag packed in 10 minutes, okay?" He says before hanging up the phone. I look in the mirror after putting my phone down to see the damage. I have a large bruise by my eye, where my mom hit me. I still don't understand why she did it. She's never violent, let alone to her own child.

I look through my wardrobe before finding a medium sized duffel bag and throwing it on to my bed. I grab a few plain t-shirts, some jeans, some shorts and underwear, throwing them on the bed. I then find some trainers, boots, money and my laptop with it's charger and my phone charger, again throwing them on my bed. I already have makeup at Nate's due to what he collected just a few hours ago. I take my shoes off of my feet and shove on some socks and converse before finding some pyjamas an slippers to throw on the bed. I put everything in my bag, as well as my keys and phone, before closing my bag, throwing on a jacket and putting the bag by my window. I open my window wide and gently drop my bag out before climbing onto the roof below my window and closing it. I carefully climb down the roof before sliding off at the end. 

"Kacey!" I hear someone shout from the road, it's Nate!

"Nate!" I shout, running towards him and bringing him into a tight hug. 

"What happened?" He asks me.

"Let's just get out of here." I say.

"What, and leave your mom?" He asks sarcastically.

"Exactly!" I say before throwing my bag over my shoulder and running down the road, out of view from my house.

"Look, Kacey," Nate places his hands on my shoulders and faces me, "I don't know what happened in there but I'm guessing it's something to do with your mom. My mom's car is down the road, come on." He takes the bag from my shoulder and intertwines his hand with mine, leading me down the road.

We reach the car and  he puts my bag in the boot before both of us sliding into the back seats, his mom in the front driving.

"Oh my God! Kacey, what happened to your eye?" His mom asks.

"Well," I fight back the lump in my throat, "my mom hit me with her heel." I say, before bursting into tears once again. I lean my head on Nate's shoulder as his mom starts driving/

"You can stay with us, I understand why Nate was so desperate for me to drive down here." She says. I look up at Nate and smile at him.

"He was desperate to come?" I ask out of curiosity.

"He practically dragged me out of the house." She says with a chuckle. This time Nate is looking at me. I adjust my head next to his as I feel my eyes getting heavy and close them, ready for the day to end.

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