Chapter 11: Caught!

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The man walked up to the third floor shaking his axe. He opened a door and switched on the lights. Justin sneaked under the bed leaving Steven to his own fate. The man squeezed Steven's neck without noticing Justin's presence. He tightened his grip. Steven was choking.

He began to strangle Steven with both hands after dropping his axe. His face grew red.

Justin was quiet under the bed. He was trying to control the way he was breathing.

The man kept strangling him till he was out of breath.

Satisfied, he walked out of the room smiling. He would get the rest of them soon.

Nicole tried not to make a sound. She wondered where Steven and the others hid. The man wasn't coming to the first floor anymore. He seemed to be concentrating on the other floors.

She mistakenly kicked a table and Immediately regretted doing that. Hoping he wasn't within earshot was all she could do.

Ms Carter discussed her plan with her team partners. Emmanuel volunteered to attack him. Krymson volunteered to create a distracting noise. Gail and Ms Carter would make with the first floor to recover her keys and then come back to help the duo if he managed to strike back.

Operation distract and attack was about to begin.

Gently, Krymson slid out of the closet thinking of how to generate a noise. She closed her eyes and started to sing loudly. She opened the door where they hid and kept singing as she walked out.

Emmanuel came out of the closet harmed with a wooden long rectangular bar. He was moving close to Krymson to make sure she was safe.

Ms Carter and Gail slipped out the wardrobe. They were ready for this.

The man could hear the voice. He was also on the third floor. Krymson was now in the hall way singing. Emmanuel hid the darkness waiting to make a move if it was necessary.

He could see her image in the dim light. Her petite Image.
Was she crazy or trying to put up a little drama just like the kid on the fourth floor?
In annoyance, he walked towards her breathing hard. An object hit him hard on the face just as he was about to hold the girl.

"Aahh!" He yelled. This was the first time they heard his voice

Ms Carter came out just as she heard him yell. "Webb?"

The man turned to face Ms Carter. He pulled her hair violently. She screamed in pain.

Justin came out of his hiding place as soon as he heard the noise. He was glad to see his friends and Ms Carter but not so glad to see the man.

Gail collected wooden bar from Emmanuel and struck him on the back really hard. He was pained. She kept hitting him and hitting till he fell on the ground.

"Get to my bag and search for the keys fast." Ms Carter whispered to Gail who handed over the bar to Emmanuel and ran to the first floor.

Nicole could hear someone run down the spiral staircase. She peeped carefully. It was her twin.

"Gail!" She ran to hug her twin. Gail was surprised and happy to see her sister whom she was worried about.

"Where are they?" Nicole asked.

"Justin, Emmanuel, Krymson and Ms Carter are on the third floor with him."

"I need to search Ms Carter's bag for the key to this entrance door." She continued. Finally she was relieved.

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