The story: Don't make a sound

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I hope you all enjoyed reading. You might be thinking of Justin and Mr Webb and the man. Your question would be "what about these guys?"
Or who was the connection between the mansion and the therapy room?

Justin & The Man:
Justin was sent to jail for being an accomplice of a murderer. He refused to reveal who the man was after several questions.
The man was never found in the mansion even when a thorough search after the night of the incidence. The bodies of the dead patients were taken out and the mansion was locked up for good.
Justin regretted helping a man who would leave him in this face of trouble but he couldn't just open up. He was happy for whoever made it out alive.

We all know Mr Bale took over his father who ran the therapy home after Mr and Mrs Argent's death. Mr Webb was also a plain therapist who wasn't involved in the killing of everyone.

The person Ms Carter reasoned to be the connection was Bob Jackson's cousin who killed Bob out of jealousy as well as his entire family in order to have perfect control over his father's property (Donald Humphrey). Bob was the one who escaped from fire anyway.

Hope this explains the twist in the story.

Oh! I almost forgot. "How did Justin and the killer get to know each other?"

It's a long story there. Justin's father brought the whole mess in order to get his son freed for the therapy home. His father knew so dirty secrets about the Humphrey family.

That's how the story goes......

Any further opinion about how you think the story could have been would be highly appreciated.

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