The Rules

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*Non-members, if you do not think you can follow the rules below, please do not request to join.
*Members, read the following carefully, you will be expected to follow the rules below.

1. You must be a fan of Romance, love and anything mushy gushy. Do not request to join if you do not love the genre.

2. You must be over 17 to join (due to mature topics/stories).

3. You must participate in every discussion or we will assume you have decided to leave.

4. You must read the BOTM (Book of the Month) and participate in discussion.

5. Do not try to promote yourself or any of your stories. We will remove any comments that promote or brag on yourself.

6. Be respectful and kind to every member.

7. No cheaters allowed. If we see you cheating at Wattpad or in the group, you will be removed. (Including but not limited to: following users and waiting for them to follow back to unfollow them, not reading the BOTM but commenting based off other members' responses, "stealing" followers from other members, asking to do Vote for Votes, etc.)

8. Don't be a jerk. Just don't. Seriously.

9. If you are unable to follow any of these rules, you will be removed without question or explanation.

10. If you are removed from the group, you will no longer be allowed to participate. If you try to continue posting, you will be blocked. If you try to badger other members, you will be reported.

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