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Her hand slipped into his as they walked into the busy church. The day of the funeral was here and she had never known him so quiet or sad. She sat next to him in a tight black dress and long coat, her hair curling around her shoulders.

"I don't know if I can do this," he spoke against her hair and she looked up at him. She placed a hand on his cheek and smiled, "of course you can, look at me... Pretend there's no one else here... Imagine you're saying it only to me."

He nodded and she kissed his cheek and then his lips once gently.

His speech went perfectly, his dark eyes bore into hers and she found herself completely absorbed by the man before her. He sat beside her and wrapped his arm around her petite shoulders, "thank you," he whispered and she nodded,


She pulled back on her coat and he took her hand, "where are you going?"

"Work...I thought you'd want to spend time with your friends,"

"Stay," he asked her, his eyes meeting hers and to her surprise, in front of everyone, she leaned forward and kissed his mouth once. He pulled her back towards him by her coat and kissed her again. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gasped as his tongue slipped between her lips.

"Jacob," she whispered and he pulled away, a smile on his face as he pulled her back into him and kissed her again.

"I have to go," she told him gently, "I have work tonight,"

He nodded and took her hands, "thank you, I couldn't have got through today without you,"

She pressed her lips against his firmly, "I'll see you at work tomorrow."

Their relationship was almost put on hold over the next few weeks. The ED was busy and it seemed they were on opposite shift patterns.

He stormed through her office door a few days later, making her jump as she looked up,

"When were you going to tell me?" He asked, "what was your plan? Just disappear over night and never contact me again?" He shrugged, "I thought after everything we were friends at least,"

She stood up and took his hands gently, "what are you talking about Jacob?"

"America Connie..." He spoke quietly, "we're you just going to let me fall you completely in love with you, then completely disappear,"

She pulled down the blinds and took his hands again, leading him so he sat beside her on the couch.

"It's only for three months," she told him, "Michael is undergoing a research trial and I'm going to compete the fast track trauma course,"

She ran her hand down his face, "I haven't told you because I only decided I was going this morning,"

"Sorry," he mumbled and she brushed her thumb against his cheek,

"I may not feel like his wife, but I can't deny him the chance of stem cell research... He needs someone to at least fly over there with,"

"I just..." He begun, "I can't stop thinking about you... Jesus I know you're married, but I can't stop thinking about you,"

She slipped onto his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck, before she leaned gently into his neck.

"What you said," she uttered and he shook his head,

"I'm not ready to talk about that," he told her gently, before pushing her hair back behind her ears and kissed behind her ear lobes, smiling as she groaned slightly.

"I was angry and annoyed and I..." He kissed her neck, "I don't want to talk about it," he uttered,

"What do you want to do?" She asked, linking her hands with his,

"Honestly," he smiled, and she nodded, her eyes meeting his,


"I want to take off all your clothes and have my lips all over your body," he told her as he kissed her collarbones gently,

"And then I want to run my fingers over your skin and find what makes you gasp and moan,"

She tipped her head back and leaned her hands back against the desk as he lifted her shirt and kissed her stomach,

"Come home with me tonight," she asked him, "and I may just let you do all of that."

"I wish we didn't still have five hours left of work,"'he groaned and she slipped her fingers through the buttons on his tunic. He gently lifted her top and pulled down her bra straps, his eyes meeting hers as his thumbs brushed over her nipples.

"I know how you feel," she uttered as his lips now tugged gently at her exposed breasts,

"Jacob," she uttered and he smiled, his mouth surrounding her other nipple as he nipped it gently. He kissed her, his mouth against hers as his hands massaged her firm breasts. He kissed her chest gently, before looking down at her, his heart rate increasing as he watched her breasts rise and fall. 

He pressed a soft kiss to her lips, "you are so very beautiful," he told her, "I'll see you at yours this evening."

He slipped her top back up over her shoulders and pulled her bra so it sat properly.

They stood up and she placed her hands either side of his cheeks and kissed him. Her lips were soft and firm and he felt himself harden in his trousers, "Connie," he groaned and she kissed his mouth once more, "tonight..." She smiled, before rubbing her lipstick from his lips.

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