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She sat with Dotty beside her as he loaded her suitcase into the car. "You coming with us babe?" Connie asked the dog who wagged her tail before following Jacob to the car and jumping in the boot,

"I'm sure that dog understands you," Jacob smiled as Dotty barked,

"Of course she does," Connie smiled; stroking her head before closing the boot.

She placed her hands gently on his thigh as he drove and as he parked the car in the underground car park he turned to her and she smiled, "push back your seat," he did as she asked and she straddled him, her hands undoing his trousers and her lips firm against his,

"I'm really really going to miss you," she told him, pulling up her dress and smirking as she realised how hard he was for her,

He pulled her down onto him and she cried out, kissing him as she rode him quickly,

"Connie," he gasped and she flicked her hips as he swore loudly;

"I love you," she told him, and he gripped her hips firmly, shuddering as he came inside of her. He pressed down with his fingers against her clit and she bit his shoulder as she came quickly. She slumped against his chest,

"I've loved you since the moment I covered you with a blanket in your office," he told her, "and I've loved you more and more every day since,"

"I'm really going to miss you," she told him,

"I love you," he told her, "it's going to be hard without you... But it's only three months, we can do this."

"I've filed for divorce," she told him, "when I come back I'll be single and we can do this publicly... If that's what you want."

He kissed her before rearranging her underwear and doing up his trousers.

As they got out of the car she leaned down and hugged Dotty tightly, the dog cuddling into her and wagging her tail,

"You look after him for me," she told the dog, before she stood and wrapped her arms around him, "don't come in... I'm scared I won't get on that plane if you do,"

"I'll see you in six weeks sweetheart," he told her, "have a safe flight."

She nodded, "see you soon."

She sat on the flight with a glass of wine, exhaling deeply as she opened the note he'd slipped into her pocket.

"I don't know how I'm going to manage six whole weeks without waking up next to you. I love everything about you and I will miss the feel of your skin and your lips against mine. Look after yourself, I will miss cuddling up to you after a long shift. Dotty will miss you walking her everyday. I love you Connie, in ways I can't even tell you. Make sure you call me at any time of the day. See you soon, Jacob xx"

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