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She woke to Jacob leaning up on his elbow, his hand running up and down her arm,

"Time to get up," he smiled, his eyes meeting hers as she smiled up at him,

She curled into his chest and he cuddled her too him. "I love this side of you," he told her, pressing a kiss to her head, "when you've just woken up, you're always quiet and warm and tactile,"

"You're such a romantic," she smiled and he tucked her hair behind her ears,

"I love that I get to see this side to you that no one else does,"

"I love you," she smiled sleepily and he ran his hand across her warm shoulder and down her bare back, "don't go to sleep, we get to see our baby today,"

"Just five more minutes," she uttered and he cuddled her, he never could deny her of anything she wanted. An hour later he placed a kiss on her forehead, "the showers warm, go and get ready," he smiled, 

"Okay, okay," she grumbled, before placing her hand on her stomach, watching as he leaned down and kissed her small bump.

"You look good pregnant," he grinned and she rolled her eyes,

"My shirts are getting tight,"

She inhaled as they walked hand in hand to the scanning department. She got onto the bed and the midwife smiled,

"You probably know this but I'll tell you anyway... This gel is Cold,"

Connie watched the screen as Jacob stood by her side, holding her hand tightly. She was nervous about the scan, worried that her happiness would be taken away. She needn't of worried,

"What's the matter?" Connie asked as she watched the midwife move he ultrasound probe,

"Congratulations..." She smiled, "you're having twins..."

"Twins..." Jacob uttered, as they both looked at the grainy image on the screen.

"We're having twins sweet cheeks," he smiled and the midwife smiled as Connie stroked his cheek,

"I thought I may have got my dates wrong when I realised I was bigger than I should have been at this stage."

"You can find out the sexes next time... Make sure you increase your food intake... You're still very slim and you have two babies to feed now," she smiled, "make sure you look after yourself."

Connie nodded, "congratulations again," the midwife smiled as she left the room to collect their scan photos.

"I have something to show you," Connie told Charlie, Duffy and Robyn as they stood in the staff room, "but I ask you keep it quiet for now,"

Robyn squealed as Connie showed them a picture of the scan,

"You're pregnant," Robyn squealed,

"Twins," Duffy smiled.

"Oh congratulations," Charlie nodded, shaking Jacobs hand before hugging Connie,

"You need to slow down in this place, take a few admin days per week... Start eating more,"

Duffy rolled her eyes, "you can do as much as you feel you can do,"

"Please don't tell her that she will be running a marathon," Jacob smiled, slipping his arm around Connie's waist,

"You two deserve all the happiness in the world," Robyn smiled, hugging them both gently.

Connie placed her coat on the hook in her office and smiled as Jacob pulled her into his chest, "I love you," he told her, "have a good day."

She nodded, before calling his name as he reached the door, "I love you too staff nurse masters," she smiled happily and he ran over, kissing her lips firmly, "I'm the luckiest man in the world."

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