three: i wrote this at midnight while half awake but i don't regret it

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brendon and alexa hung out at brendon's place after school. alexa twirled around the room, babbling on about the lovely girl while brendon looked through his vinyl collection for something to fit the mood. 

"i don't have 'gross gay girl falls for gross girl' mood vinyls but i have modern baseball and that's something completely different," brendon explained as he pulled you're gonna miss it all out of it's sleeve. 

"perfect," alexa said as he put the vinyl on the player and listened as it quietly filled the room with fine, great. she did a spin around the room and tripped over something, landing on her back on brendon's bed. "no, but like, i don't believe in love at first sight."

"oh, but honey, you clearly do," brendon laughed and she shoved him. 

alexa didn't believe in any of that cliche bullshit of love at first sight or anything like that. she thought love only sprouted from conversations and connections and people's small quirks. but, after seeing this girl, all she could think about was her. 

the sound of her laugh kept replaying in her head. the replaying memory of her looking down and trying to hide her face when she blushed felt like flashbacks of something that happened months ago. "is this what it felt like when you realized you were into ryan?" she asked, very curious.

not only did alexa not believe in the love cliches, she barely believed in love.

"nah, i realized i was into ryan when i forgot my lunch money everyday for a week and he bought me lunch without hesitation."

"wow, goals," alexa laughed and brendon hit her with a pillow. 

"so, tell me more about this girl. do i need to show her i have a gun so that she doesn't try to hurt my daughter?" brendon joked as alexa groaned. 

she groaned out, "gosh dad, you're so embarrassing!" brendon shrugged and alexa continued, getting up from the bed and pacing around brendon's room, "she's just so....adorable. she's got these lovely brown-greeny eyes that are now my favorite color. she's got the most amazing laugh that sounds like an angel's choir. she has a really soft voice and i could probably listen to her talk for hours if i really wanted to. and just, ugh, she's incredible. all my mind can think of is her her her." 

"aw, that's adorable!" brendon gushed, sounding like a proud father, "what's this pretty girl's name?"

alexa stopped being grossly in love with a girl she's known for half an hour and stopped spinning with her arms out when brendon asked this. the room went silent, except for the sound of broken cash machine playing. "holy fuck, i don't know her name."

"you got her number but not her name?" 

"i got her number and not her name."

"alexa, are you fucking dumb?" brendon exclaimed, "you're gonna be like me when i got with that one girl at junior prom. we were both kind of tipsy and we made out and i called her rachel the whole night, then later that week when i got her number and called her rachel, she yelled at me because her name was lauren."

alexa snorted, "lauren sounds like a hoe, drop her ass."

"oh, honey, i did." 

"how do i get her to tell me her name?" alexa exclaimed. 

"did you ask her what her name was when you first talked with her?" brendon asked. alexa shook her head and brendon groaned, "give me her number, i'll find out her name for you before you text her."

"wait, if i didn't ask her for her name, should i just text her and be like, 'hey, i never got your name, what is it,' and it wouldn't sound like i'm a shitty person?" alexa asked, typing the phone number into her contacts. she made the contact name 'cute girl who's name u don't know'. 

"shit, you right." 

some men don't dare to speak her name // lynexaWhere stories live. Discover now