five: i love alexa in this fic too goddamn

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okay i wanna explain how the outside of this school is set up. i'm basing it off of my high school. so like, if you go outside there's a road that goes through the middle of the buildings so it's like building, road, building. there's a lot of extra room behind the buildings too so there's a tennis court, some trees and a parking lot. idk if that made since but im trying here. okay enjoy

brendon lay back on the tree, fiddling with the snapback in his hands. "okay but, like, if i wear it backwards," he asked, putting it on, "do i look hot or like a douche?" 

alexa picked her head off the dirt and dead gross and looked at her best friend. he stood off of the tree and was half hunched over, throwing up double peace signs. "you look like you run a tumblr blog called color-aesthetic, but all the vowels are replaced with x's."

"okay but, if i was the admin of that account, would i be a hot or cool?"

"oh god, neither." 

brendon took off his hat and threw it at her. she blocked her face and caught it when she spotted the pretty girl out of the corner of her eye. "shit, fuck!" she yelled, getting up and dusting off her clothes quickly. brendon looked over and saw her coming out of the building and immediately pulled bits of leaves out of her hair and brushing off her shirt. 

alexa gave brendon his hat and took his cigarette from him. "don't look like a douche! this is my chance!"

"you told me i looked hot, but i got you, bae."

"i didn't tell you looked hot, you're tripping balls. also, don't call me bae, we're not a gross instagram couple who are only dating for likes," alexa laughed as she saw the pretty girl turn to them and wave from across the way. 

alexa waves back as brendon mutters, "that could be us but you playing." alexa slaps him on the stomach and he lets out a belly laugh.

the pretty girl quickly went across the road in between the two school buildings. she wore a cute black dress with white trimming and a white color with black boots similar to the one yesterday. she smiled at alexa, "it's so lovely to see you again!" she said, rocking back on her heels. 

she wanted to she her again and alexa wanted to scream. "it's so nice to see you, too!" alexa replied. she opened her arms and the girl shrugged, leaning in and hugging her gently. 

alexa took in the scent of this girl. she smelt like cheap perfume, pencil shavings and warm vanilla sugar. she smelt sophisticated but also opening and inviting, with something slightly off about her. alexa loved it.

the two released each other's bodies and brendon awkwardly leaned in. "hi, i'm brendon, alexa won't shut up about you."

alexa rolled her eyes as she laughed, leaning in and shaking brendon's hand. "nice to meet you, brendon! i'm lyndsey! some people call me lynn, though."

lyndsey! that was her name! a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. 

"well, sorry to say one things and have to jump, but, i have to go study for my physics test!" lyndsey apologized, pointing back towards the building, "maybe we'll see each other tomorrow?" 

"yeah, that would be nice. i'll text you tonight," alexa smiled. 

"okay, bye alexa! bye brendon!" lynn waved goodbye like a child and walked off, that childlike bounce in her step still visible. 

alexa turned to brendon once she got into the building and jumped on him, clinging to his body like a koala. she lifted her head up and whispered into his ear, "can you believe she invented the name lyndsey." 

some men don't dare to speak her name // lynexaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora