21. The past

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21. The past


"Callen!!!" Sky screamed, running in the house.

She had just come back from work. Her day had been packed with files from clients who all had incredibly hard cases. Usually, she was willing to put in the extra work for them and stay the night but not today. Today was special and she had to see her husband.

"I'm in the toilet." He shouted back.

Ah shit! She wanted to tell him so bad! She was waving the little stick in her hands impatiently, camping behind the toilet door. She had waited all day, containing her joy while listening to clients telling her about their lives, which admittedly were often very sad stories.

"Cal, get out of here, I have something important to tell you!" She insisted.

"I finally reached level 23, I'm on a roll. Ha, a roll, I'm funny."

She rolled her eyes, laughing nonetheless.

"Cal I swear to god I'm going to explode."

"Just tell me, I'll recreate my reaction when I get out."

Oh fuck it!

"I'm pregnant." She said.

Voicing it out loud just made it that much more real and she felt excitement mixed with anxiety bubble up. She heard some ruffling and then the toilet being flushed, a sink being turned on, and finally, Callen opened the door.

"Sky please say it again." He whispered.

"I'm pregnant." She held the stick out for him to see and he stared at it wordlessly for a few seconds before screaming happily and taking a surprised Sky in his arms.

"Sky!!! You're pregnant!" He exclaimed. "We're having a baby!!"

"We're having a baby!" She repeated, unable to stop smiling.

"Oh my god we are so not telling our kid you told me you were pregnant while I was taking a dump."

Sky burst out laughing and kissed her husband senseless.

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