Sleepover in a bad neighborhood

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(Dedicated to xrulerofhellx because this would be some shit we would do)

"Thanks for having me over Gina" Maria said sitting on her best friend's bed, Gina didn't respond she was busy staring out the window "Sorry Maria give me a second" Gina bolted out the room, Maria wondered what was the issue, the two girls were alone tonight while Gina's parents were busy at the cute little diner that they ran together. Gina came back with a Glock 22, "Uhm..." Maria said Gina stuck out half of her body and shot a few rounds, Maria's jaw dropped after Gina was done she put the gun in her drawer "Gina!" Gina looked at her friend confused "What?" She asked as she picked her 7Up "You just opened fired at random!" Maria said her arms flying around "So?" Gina asked in a nonchalant manner "Why. Would. You do that?!" Maria screeched "There was a white pedophile van parked across the street" Maria was silent for a moment, "They's been there all day" she took a deep breath and looked at her friend right into her black eyes "Please. Tell me you didn't kill the people inside" Gina was silent taking a sip of her soda "Gina..." Maria said a serious tone "I didn't! I just shot a few warning shots and blasted their tires as they were making a getaway" Gina said setting her drink down Maria let out an exasperated groan before laying face first in Gina's bed "I just realized how baggy the back of my sweatpants are for you" "Shut up!"

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