So I got this weird idea in the middle of history class

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And I had to write it out.

-Chizumi: 7th grader with no friends her own age, her only 3 friends are, her English teacher, her FTM transgender foster parent Nagisa and one of her stepmother's sisters. Her first name is a portmanteau of Chi () meaning blood and Izumi () meaning Spring, as in the water source, her middle name is an epithet of Poseidon, meaning "related with seaweeds" and her last name is a epithet of Ares, meaning "bloodstained". Her parents are Poseidon and Ares with her surrogate being her foster parent, meaning that she's Nagisa's aunt, Zeus and Hera are her Uncle and Aunt, at the same time they are her grandparents, Triton's half-sister and niece, Ares' siblings are her cousins/aunts/uncles, and all of Ares' other children are her half-siblings and nieces/nephews
-Nagisa: Chizumi's transgender foster parent and surrogate. Although he considers himself to not be that good with children and child-rearing he was actually praised by Hestia, goddess of the family and the home, herself for doing an excellent job of raising Chizumi. Nagisa's name is written with meaning "Water's edge" or "Shore". A demigod himself, his father is Triton, giving him the ability to breathe underwater and transform into a merman
I, Chizumi Phykios Miaiphonos, never ever wanted to be a child of a god, let alone two gods, but The Fates decided otherwise. My godly parents? Poseidon, god of the sea, earthquake and horses, my other parent...believe it or not is...Ares, god of war, now I know what you must be thinking 'Two male gods made a child?! How is that possible? I thought Ares was messing with Aphrodite, and I thought Poseidon had a wife' Well two gods having a kid isn't too far fetched, I mean Athena came out of Zeus' head like she was coming out the closet, so yeah not to far fetched, and about my dads' relationships statuses: Yes Ares messes with Aphrodite, sometimes and Poseidon course he got a wife, but believe it or not he has more kids out of affairs than Zeus does, I know it's pretty shocking because all that you hear is Zeus messing with some mortal chick, that chick gets pregnant and Hera gets pissed.

So the circumstances of my birth is...confusing, Ares and Poseidon somehow managed to fall in love, the two did the thing, somehow Ares managed to hold on to Poseidon' salty juice, mixed that with his own put that in my surrogate's uterus. I'll be quite honest, the only benefit I can think of being the child of two gods is unlimited access to naval weapons and fallen battleships. That's about it, being the child of two gods doesn't help you make friends, yeah that's right I don't have friends! None, nada, total friends my age range: A big fat zero! Wanna know why? Because in elementary I scared kids away for playing rough, even rougher than most of the rough housing kids there, and now here in my 6-12 private school, while most girls deal with rumors of them being sluts for easy money, I'm over here dealing with rumors of me being in a damn gang! Wanna know why they think that? Because I'll come to school like I got into a fight. "No this black eye and cut on my cheek isn't from me getting into a gang fight it's from my mother-father, socking me while wearing his fucking wedding ring, because his dumbass forgot to take it off before we started sparing"

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