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Name: Amber Lee King

Chinese name: 朱龙 (Pinyin: Zhū lóng English meaning: Vermillion Dragon)

Name etymology: Amber in many languages refers to a jewel of sort while in Gaelic it means Fierce, Lee is known for being spelled with the Chinese character meaning Plum but Lee actually refers to the common surname for African-American people along with King

Age: 16

Birthday: January 8

Astrological Zodiac: Capricorn

Chinese Zodiac: Dragon (Earth element)

Blood type: A

Family: Michael King (Father), Mia King (Mother), Levi Wong (Fiancé), Kim Wong-King, Daiyu Wong-King (Daughters), Kenny Wong-King (Son)

Occupation: Student, Hunter

Weapon: Butterfly knife, guns, sword, bow and flying guillotine

Resides: Washington

Appearance: Amber is of average height with a chubby/curvy build with soft features. Being mixed race (Black father and Chinese-Japanese mother) Amber has light brown skin, thick 4C black hair, brown eyes and overall attractive features. Amber is seen in mostly her school uniform which is a black plaid skirt, matching cardigan, white dress shirt, red tie with an Eye of Horus pattern on it, white stockings and heeled black penny loafers but outside of school she wears very trendy clothes that are fused with Ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian and Japanese clothing

Personality: Amber is sort of a "in my own world" teen, she couldn't care less about fitting into a certain mold at school and in society. Strong, intelligent, sexy and confident, she minds her own business and has a very progressive mindset. Amber is shown resenting her parents for neglecting her, which causes her to become snappy and confrontal towards adults. She retains her confrontational attitude throughout the story.
A former delinquent living on her own, Amber had to toughen up and can be especially rude. Her rare interactions with monster or rouge demigods are either surly taunts or death threats, knowing how despicable most of them are. She also advocates aggressively asserting herself, especially in the school, and once told a friend to violently confront an student who cut in the queue for buying their lunch. Common in her lineage, Amber has honorable morals and treasures her family and friends. She would selflessly do everything in her power to help her companions and random victimized people. While her English makes her sound sweet and formal, her Japanese and Chinese tends to make her sound like a rough gangster. As a engaged teen mother she has to be mature in order to raise her twins, her fiancé is the father which she had to drag through the Underworld in order to convince him to stay and marry her.

Likes- Cute things, teriyaki, cooking, being a Hunter, Dogs, her children
Dislikes- Annoying people, bigots, Republicans, Hubris

Abilities: As a Hunter, she is extremely agile and quick. Moving quickly to punish all those who do misdeeds. She has also shown to be capable of defending herself, seen in full detail against monsters. She has extensive knowledge of self-defense, which she demonstrates throughout the story. Amber greatest asset is her imagination. Amber intelligence is intuitive to a degree, as she often shrugs off some of her moves as dumb luck, although it is a valid interpretation of her actions. Throughout the course of the story she gains a variety of magical abilities, notably time manipulation.
For Amber's body type, I had to slap myself so I didn't do the typical thin, muscular heroine, so I said to myself "Make her thick/chubby, a lot of people like thick/chubby girls" so I chose searched "Chubby girls" and for the most part, found mostly fetish photos then I tried "Curvy girls" but lead to photos of girls with 0.5 inch circumference waists. Until I found the right body type, Japanese chubby idol Kawai Akina

 Until I found the right body type, Japanese chubby idol Kawai Akina

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1. She's cute as hell 2. Kawai Akina is the exact body type I was looking for.

Also thanks to my best friend xrulerofhellx giving me advice about Black/African-American hair, otherwise I would have fucked up hella bad and they would have killed me. So yeah this is how I imagine Amber's hair texture and skin tone:

Honestly give me a few days to find a photo of the length that imagine Amber's hair

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Honestly give me a few days to find a photo of the length that imagine Amber's hair

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