Old principal

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Harumi: You know this brings up a very important question, what happened to the old principal?

Marceline: ( ・∇・)

Emily: (・Д・)

Roslyn: :(;゙゚'ω゚'):

Tiffany: :(;゙゚'ω゚'):

Harumi:...Marceline what did you do

Marceline: *Says very quickly* We overthrew the old principal and said if her dictator ass ever steps foot in our school zone we would either run her over or cut her fingers off

Harumi:......How do you overthrow a principal?

Tiffany: Well she was running it like it was America as a colony so we said "Let's have a revolution"

Emily: I was in charge of tying her up and dangling her from the roof by her ankles

Harumi: *Sighs* ... *Glances at Roslyn*

Roslyn: I videotaped it and put it on World Star HipHop

Marceline: (・Д・)

Emily: (°▽°) You have an account on there?

Roslyn: *Nods casually*

Tiffany: (`・ω・') I feel like the more we learn about Roslyn it either terrifies us or humors us

*Everyone nods in agreement*

Roslyn: t(-_-)t

Misfit Adventures part ChuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora