My classroom hiding spot

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Me: *Sitting in my empty English classroom during lunch* Solitude is better than that stupid scary crowded cafeteria

*Hears the sound of heels clicking and there is only one administrator that wears heels*

Me: *Begins panicking* (・Д・) くそ... *Ducks and rolls to teachers desk and grabs my makeshift spear* YOU CAN'T TAKE ME ALIVE!

In my school they made up this stupid policy where no one can leave the cafeteria at all. The only way you can leave is if you have a pass from a teacher. But I have outsmarted them, I have first lunch, so when it's passing period (Which is 5 minutes), I quickly walk to my safe spot and stay away from the door as much as possible, also never leave the classroom, ever. Honestly this policy is stupid and unfair, us Freshmen during 1st lunch are the only effected, but not 2nd lunch upperclassmen because "They have work to turn in" so do we! Dammit! But I've heard the admin at my school had become lax about it, except for the principal and the vice principal

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