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' Dad!!! I'm home!' I hollered as soon as I made it to the sitting room'

' Stop yelling! You're a woman for Allah's sake!' Dad exclaimed coming out of his room dressed in a white kaftan and matching cap.

' I missed you' I said, stretching to give him a hug.

' I missed you too habibti' he hugged me back.  ' Oh Allah! Go and take a bath quickly, you stink!' He said, while covering his nose with his palm.

I'm sure my face was red.

' Dad! I don't stink!'

' Yes you do! Go on before you kill us all!. I'm going to the mosque, make sure to say your prayers.'

' Yes daddy!' . I sighed as I walked into the kitchen. The shower could wait, I needed to put something in my rumbling stomach .

' Raya, you're back!'  Mama Hannah  exclaimed as she gave me a hug.

Mama Hannah is our help, about fifty years. She's been with us for as long as I can remember. She was practically family. I loved her like a mother.

' Yes I am! And I'm starving too. Please tell me there's food.'

' Of course there is. Sit down let me fix you a plate.'

' Thank you Mama'

' My pleasure. So uhm, you never told me what happened at the party.Was it nice? Did you uh meet anyone new?' She asked making her tone seem uninterested but I knew better.

' It was nice. Didn't meet anyone'.

' That's not what Tamar said'

' What?! She told you?!'

' Aha! So you met someone!. Reverse psychology baby. I knew something happened, I sensed it'

I rolled my eyes.

' Fine! I did. But it was nothing'

' Hmmmmm'

' I'm serious. I-i don't even remember his face or name' .

Liar! My subconscious screamed at me. I slapped her mouth shut.

' Say the truth and it'll set you free you know'

' Mama Hannahhh' I whined. ' just give me my food'

' Not until you tell me the truth'

'Ugh! Fine! His name is Samir and he's good looking'

The knife fell from her hand.

' You..you said he's good looking? You actually complimented a man! Heaven help me now! I never thought I'd live to see this day. Raya!! I'm ..I'm.. I don't even have words to describe how happy I am!'

She twirled like a ballerina doing a little happy dance in the middle of the kitchen floor. I bit my lip trying to keep from laughing, but I couldn't. And soon we were laughing together.

' What's all the commotion about?' Dad asked stepping into the kitchen.

' Oh nothing!' Mama Hannah waved her hand dismissively. ' Just girl talk' she said  secretly throwing me a wink.

' Girl talk' He mumbled. ' I still want to know, tell me now Raya'

' Dad! Like mama said its girl talk. Don't be such a nosy old man'

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