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' Raya....Raya...' Dad cooed in my ear.

' Go away'

' C'mon its 9:30'

I groaned and he laughed. Why was he waking me up even? Ah! Flashes of the previous night breezed through my mind. Why this old man! He had done it intentionally ,to put his match making skills to work no doubt.

I flung the covers off of me and stared at him. My brown eyes locked on his grey ones.

' Why were they here last night daddy?'

' Its my house I can invite whoever I want to' he replied almost immediately. His lips twitched, trying to hide his amusement.

' Well its my house too!'

' No, you just live in it.'

I sighed before flopping back on my pillows. Gazing at the ceiling I muttered. ' Dad please stop trying to play match maker. I don't even like the guy, Samir or whatever His name is.'

' Of course hilwa! You don't like him yet I caught you stealing glances at him'

' What? I didnt !'

' Yes, you did'

' No. I didn't!'

' Yes you did'

' Dad please! I don't want a Man in my life I really don't. Why can't you just let me be?'

I cried,exasperated. I was so tired of Daddy trying to play matchmaker. I don't want to be with a man. I didn't want to hurt him, just the way my mother hurt my dad.

' Raya' daddy called softly. ' I know what's making you behave like this but you can't evade it. We have this.....this......compulsion for completion. As humans we were designed this way, made for our significant others. That's just the way its meant to be' he gazed at me with those electrifying grey eyes that could just pierce into your soul.

' But you are my significant other daddy.' I said softly, leaning into him and placing my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me and I closed my eyes, inhaling his deep fatherly scent.

' I'm your father and you will always be my princess. But you need someone else, who can play the role that I can't. You need someone Raya, to love you as I do, unconditionally . To give you children, to protect you , to always be with you..I'm not going to live forever..'

I raised my tear filled eyes to stare into my dad's. His face showed no sign of old age, except the slightly greying hair on his temple and beard. I bowed my head and let the tears flow freely. I knew he was right but my mind refuses to accept. Pain clenched my heart as I imagined what life would be like for me without my dad in it.. He was the only parent I had, he was my mother and of course father, in one.. He is my everything.

I shook of the thoughts and turned to face him. ' You still have a long time to live daddy. You're not leaving me just yet' I smiled through my tears.

' Of course not! I have to bounce my grandchildren on these old knees first!' He laughed through his own tears, slapping His knee in the process.

He hugged me tighter and I leaned closer to him.

' Is that why you told Samir to pursue me?'

Sighing ,he said . ' I didn't actually tell him to pursue you.'

' How did he find out where I work? My phone number,he even sent me my favourite chocolates!' I turned to glare at my dad.

' I swear I didn't put him up to all that! I met with him and Mustafa at their office for coffee. I was amazed at how tall and handsome he had grown...smart too, nothing of the little boy I remembered him to be' he smiled that smile I think was meant for Samir specifically,the corner of his eyes crinkled as he told me stories of how he used to teach Sam to play football and how much of a good kid he was.

' Still doesn't explain how he got all the info about me though' I pouted.

' Well' he cleared his throat. ' I may or May not have blabbed about you a little. He might have picked up a few details'

' More than a few' I mumbled.

' I won't lie and say I'm sorry about him pursuing you. I like the kid and he's grown into a good man. Just please give him a chance Raya. Don't push him away'

' Dad, i--'

' Please'

I shut my eyes tightly knowing there was no way I could evade this.I would do anything for my Dad.

Hmm, are you sure you're doing this for your dad alone? A voice in my head asked.

I ignored it.

' One mistake and I'm done.'

' Keep an open mind, that's all I ask'. He placed a tender kiss on my forehead.' Thank you'.


A/N- sorry its for the short chapter. Its all I could come up with and I really wanted to update today. Thank you all for reading, voting and commenting on my story it means a lot!

Please keep the votes and comments coming. Thanks!

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