Chapter 50: Dead Best Friend

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First paragraph Guest written by bowties_and_phan_ (back in November 2016) the rest written by LittleBunny11

Drake's POV

I slam the door against the wall in frustration, heading towards the forest in the distance. My legs ache by the time I reach the edge; the trees tower above me. I place my foot on a low branch and grab another, beginning to climb.

As I look down at the forest once I am at the top of the highest tree, I notice that part of the lake is red. I quickly throw a sudden flashback out of my head and start to jump from tree to tree towards the lake.

Once I reach the lake, I climb down back to the forest floor, I see what is causing the red in the lake. Blood. My best friend, Jenna's blood. Jenna has been my best friend ever since she arrived to our pack with Matt, her older brother and my sister's missing mate. There is nothing we can do for Jenna now, she's been dead for days. If Matt was with her, he would be long gone now.

I walk back to the pack slowly, with Jenna motionless in my arms and wrapped on my jacket and shirt. As I walk past everyone, they keep their heads down, bowing to their Beta and respecting the dead.

I take Jenna to the pack hospital and to the morgue, the ward where the dead stay. Doctors begin examine her as soon as I came in with her and they tell me she was attacked by a wanted rouge. A rouge that was most likely looking for Jenna and Matt. I ask why but the doctor says that he isn't sure why the rouge would be looking for Matt and Jenna.

I leave the room and take a shower. After that I go to find my sister. She deserves to know, something could of happened to Matt too and we need to find him.

As soon as I walk into Rebecca's office, she looks at me and asks, "How was the search?"

Sadness is painted on my face as I tell her, "It depends on how you look at it, we didn't find Matt. Although, we found Jenna-"

She immediately interrupts me, "That's great! When will I be able to see her?"

I sigh and look down at the ground, "At her funeral."

WolfsbaneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora