Chapter 1

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Bruce woke up early that morning. The sun was just pecking in through the some what of a window. Bruce was about to climb out of bed when Selina grabbed him and pulled him back into bed. Bruce turned and looked at her.

"What was that for?" Said Bruce.

"Come back to bed it's way ro early and you'll need your rest today I'm gonna show you how to steal. It's takes a lot of focus, so lay down." Selina said angrily.

Bruce laid down and tried his best to get comfy, but it was no use the mattress on the cold hard floor was just to scratchy and far from soft so he just laid there on his back and listened to Selina's slight snoring. He remembered the first time the kissed and how bad he wanted it to happen again. But he knew she didn't like him.

Bruce was wrong. Selina did like him. She just tried to push those feeling far away. She didn't want to like him. She didn't want to put him in danger and didn't want to hurt him. She may be hard on him, but she does for the love she has for Bruce.

Hours pasted before Selina's snoring quit and she rolled over to find Bruce wide awake.

"Bruce what are you doing? I told you to sleep."

"I know I just couldn't fall back asleep, this mat..."

Bruce stopped before he said anything offensive. But Selina already knew what he was gonna say. Selina climbedout of bed and threw on her boots.

"Are you coming? Or are you gonna stay here and starve?"

Bruce quickly got the message and put his boots and was ready to walk out the door.

"So today we're gonna steal from this place that an old friend of mine's nephew runs."

"If he's your old friend why are you stealing from him?"

"Because if we want to get by we can't all hold hands and spin in circles. This is the streets and you have to take what you need when you need it and right now we need money. So thats what we're doing, were taking money."

Selina grabbed a fire escape ladder and quickly climbed up to the rooftop Bruce quickly followed behind. Once they reached the top Bruce turned around to admire the city of Gotham. From the rooftop all you saw was hundreds of buildings and no crime. It was peaceful for a moment when Bruce heard Selina yelling. He turned around and she was already 2 rooftops over.


Bruce got the message and started running towards his best friend who he would protect no matter what. Even if that meant death.

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