chapter 5

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It's been a week sence I was shot. And I still have no idea how to get me back in me. If that makes any sense what's so ever. Selina has come in twice this week. I'm pretty sure Alfred freaked her out. I wasn't planing on telling her until I awoke, but sence Alfred has a big mouth I'm not sure I even want to wake up. Everything would be different. I wouldn't stay with Selina anymore, I would have one nasty scar the rest of my life, and if I woke up the shooting pains I get here and there would be 10 times worse.

"Excuse me Ms. Kyle, but mat I have a moment with Master Bruce?" Said Alfred.

"Go ahead. I don't think he's waking up anytime soon."

"Master Bruce, I'm not sure if you can hear me, but I think it's about time you woke up. Mr. Fox fixed that bloody computer of yours yesterday. It waits for you to discover it's secrets."

That's great news Alfred.

I reached over and grabbed his hand. And I'm not sure if he felt it but he jumped when I did.

"Master B?" He said. "You can hear me can't you?"

When I looked over at my body I noticed something I hadn't done in the past week I've been here. My hand was slightly squeezing his hand.

"Master Bruce, I miss you. Just please wakeup. The house is a lot more boring without you. Also pay day was 2 days ago." He says has he chuckles a little.

When Alfred said those words I couldn't help but smile and not only did I smile, but my body too.

Alfred got up and left the room, about 10 minutes later Selina walked in.

"Bruce can you hear me? If so squeeze my hand."

She grabbed my hand and as hard as I could I squeezed hers softly. She smiled and tears formed in her eyes.

"Man B, it's weird seeing you like this. No offence, but you look like shit. I miss you a lot and I'm not sure if you heard what Alfred said, but just so you know... I like you too.... A lot and it's my fault you're here and it's my fault you got shot. I shouldn't have made you go. I would be the one hurt and you would be living your great life back at your house or palace. Just do me a favor and wake up soon."

My heart could have just stopped when she said that. Selina Kyle likes me too?! My first crush. ,my first kiss. The Selina Kyle. The short beautiful dirty blonde haired Selina.

Before she walked out of the room she did something I didn't expect. She leaned over and kissed me. Not on the forehead not on the cheek, but the lips. i could see my sickly looking face finally gain some color in the cheeks.

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