Chapter 8

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"Master Bruce? Are you up? Selina Kyle will be here soon." Alfred said as he opened Bruce's bedroom door.

"I'm up Alfred" Said Bruce as he strighten up the collar of his turtle neck.

"Would you like some help getting downstair?"

"No Alfred I'll be okay. Surely I will."

Alfred left the room. Just as the door closed Selina jumped out from the other side of the bed.

"Man that was close." Selina said.

"I don't really see what the big deal is. It's not like we did anything."

Selina turned and gave him a massive glare.

"What do you mean 'did anything?" She questioned.

"Well you know, something other than take a nap..."

"You are so weird. But you know what. I missed you a lot."

"Oh really?" He teased.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. I'm gonna leave and then show up in like 20 minutes. Okay?"

"Okay." Bruce said as she jumped out the window.

Alfred's POV

Master Bruce thinks I didn't know Ms. Kyle was laying on the floor beside his bed. I was in the bloody military. It doesn't bother me that she was in there. What does bother me is he doen't realize how much of a trouble maker she really is. It my be inisent love right now, but the when they are adults she's gonna break his heart.

Bruce tries to push himself to the limit, but he's been shot and if he tries to push himself to much he might kill himself. I worry about Bruce way to much to watch him throw away his life. And if itwere up to me i would never let him date that minky fox. I've caught her stealing from this house just about everytime she's here. I don't even think she knows we have a front door. The only entrance she knows is Bruce's father's old study and his bedroom window.

Third Person POV

Bruce strugled down the stairs and made his way to the kithen.

"Alfred? May i ask what is for dinner?"

"Yes we are having, wll you and Ms.Kyle are having roasted chicken, baked potatos, and more. But for desert i have prepared devil's foof cake."

"Okay Selina will be here soon, i hope."

"Well until she arives I must ask that you, please go sit down and relax. You've been shot and if you keep moving around so uch you could injure yourself even more than you already have."

Bruce walked, limbed, into the gathering room for some peace and quite when he heard a very unsettling sound from the kithen.

"Alfred!" He yelled as he tried running into the kithen.

"I'm fine Master B. I just grabbed the Cake pan and it was hot. Sorry to spook you."

"It's oka..." As Bruce spoke these words he swayed and began falling.

"Master Bruce!" Alfred yelled as he caught Bruce.

Just then Selina ran into the room to see what happened.

"Ms.Kyle, RUN and call and ambulance. Somethings wrong."

Selina ran to the nearest phone and dialed 911 as quick as her fingers could move.

"Hello 911 what's your emergancy?"

"My friend fainted and he was shot 2 weeks ago. Please come quick."

"I'll send someone right away. What's the address?"

"Wayne Manor!" Selina said as she hung up and ran back to the kithen.

:Okay quickly hand me that towel! His wound opened! I think itls infected." Alfred barked.

Selina ran and grabbed a towel.

"Will he be alright?"

"I have no idea. He ran in here and he just collaped."

"Oh man this is bad."

Time Skip 1  hour later
Waiting Room

"Mr.Pennyworth, his wound split open and it was infected. We were able to take care of the infection, but he'll have to stay here for the night and no walking until it's healed. We don't want ot risk anymore harm to the wound." Said the doctor.

"May we see him?" asked Alfred.

"Sure, but just so you know he's a little groggy."

"Why hello there Master B. You gave us all a firght." Joked Alfred.

"I'm... Sorr.." Bruce attempted to say.

"Hey kid."

"I told you to sto... sayi..that."

"I'm sorry i can't help it."

time Skip 20 minutes later
Bruce is still groggy

"Alright mater B i have to get back to the house. But i will see you n the morning hopefully more like yourself.;

"Okay alfred." bruce replied.

Alfred left and left Slina and Bruce to themselves.

:Hey Bruce, I should get going too. I'll be back in the morning, but take care of yourself. Bye Kid."

"Hey Seli... I..I..I.. like.. you." Bruce said as he driffed into sleep.

Selina looked at his cute put peaceful face and before disappearing out the window she said, "Me too, kid. Me too."

So how do you guys like it so far? Let me know in the comments and im haveing ome writers block, so if they're things that you guys want me to add let me know.

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