Chapter 10

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"Good bye Alfred." Bruce said as Alfred closed the door.

Bruce sat in the gathering room watching the news to catch up on what he had missed while he was in his coma.

"Major Cobblepot meets..."

"Major Cobblepot? Wow I missed a lot. Penguin is major. What the hell has Gotham come to." Bruce thought.

"Selina will be here in a few hours I better get ready"

Bruce stood up and walked over to the stairs he slowly made his way up the stairs and to his room.

"What to wear?" He asked himself.

"Something casual but not to casual. Like a nice shirt and some black slacks. This shirt and these pants. No wait this shirt. Yeah that will do."

After Bruce's shower he stepped into his room and made his way to the wardrobe.

"Ah!" Yelled Bruce in pain as he fell back into his dresser.

"Damn it!"

His wound was tender from the water causing immense pain and it to open once again. He limped over to his phone and called not Alfred nor Detective Gordon, but Selina.

"Sel... Selina i need you."

"Bruce what's wrong?"

"I'll explain later just come please. And quick." Bruce hung up and fell to the floor.

"Damn it! Why does this keep happening?!"

10 minute time skip

"Bruce! What the hell happened? And where is your shirt?"

"My shirt is right over there, but I need you to stitch me up."

"Oh great, can't you go one day with out being hurt?"

"Enough with the lecture and do it quick I've lost quite a bit of blood."

"Quit over reacting. It's bearly bleeding."

"Here help me up." Said Bruce

"Steady, okay careful, good right there." Said Selina helping him over to his bed.

"I have a sewing kit in the bottom drawer. Ow!"

"Oh shut up and grow a pair would you. It's not that bad."

"Oh really? How would you know? You're not the one gash in your side." Bruce through back.

"Just hold still." Selina said as she began sewing him back up.

Bruce arched his back in pain.

"Almost done. Sorry if I'm hurting you."

"I didn't think you cared."

"I was there just about every day you were in that stupid coma. It was, after all, my fault."

"It wasn't. And I know you were. Ow! Shit!"

Bruce placed his hands over his face trying to hide the tears forming in his eyes. He had never been in so much pain. When he was shot he felt nothing. When he was in his coma he felt nothing. But now he felt it all. It wasn't just a bullet wound anymore. There were additional cuts and stitches from when it was infected.

"Okay, I'm done. Now put a shirt on would you."

"Okay give me a second." He said wiping away his tears and catching his breath.

"Thank you."

"Yeah well don't get used to me being this nice."

"Could you do one more thing? Hand me my shirt."

"Yeah... which one."

"Doesn't matter I'll change later."



"What is it now?" She said glearing at him.

"I need help..."

"Oh for crying out loud! You can't even put on a freaking shirt. You're hopeless."

She stormed over to Bruce and lifted his arm.

"He's been through a lot. But I got to hand it to him he's pretty strong. Not only mentally but physically too. He has really grown up and now we're going on our first date tonight." Selina thought as Bruce struggled to button his shirt.

"Thanks. Let's keep this between you and me. I don't want Alfred to throw a fit for me not calling him."

"Sure whatever. What's the dress code for tonight..." She said turning and giggling.

"Whatever you want to wear."

"Well it's clear you are dressing nice so I will dress nice."

"You? Dress nice? That will be a interesting sight."

"It's not like you've never seen me dress nice."

"Once. When we were like 13."

"I'm looking forward for tonight, so don't die before than."

"No promises."

Selina looked at him in a with her signature smirk on her face ran up to him grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and kissed him. Bruce's cheeks turned as bright as a cherry and before he could say anything she was out the window.

So how do you guys like it so far? Let me know.

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