Chapter 9

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"Master Bruce are you ready?" Said Alfred as he entered the room.

"Yes Alfred, I'm ready."

"I have your wheelchair ready."

"Do i really have to use a wheelchair?"

"Well conidering the fact that you were back at the hospital after about 6 hours of being out of the hospital."

Bruce looked at him confussed.

"Yes it is necesary. Now sit."

Bruce limped over to the wheelchair and plopped himself down into the chair.

"Well take it easy there kid." Said Selina jumping from the windowsill to the floor.

"Oh hey Selina." Said Bruce excitedly.

"I got him Alfred." She said as she grabbed the handles of the chair and began pushing him out the room.

"Meet me at the car!" Shouted Alfred.

"Wow you look like an old man."

"Gee thanks."

"I'm only kidding." Selina said as she chuckled and turned right.

"The parking lot is to the left."

"I know, but we need to talk."

"About what?"

"Well for one you need to take care of yourself. And two... when's our first date."

Bruce turned and looked at her,

"Wha..what do you mean first date?"

"I know you like me. You told me last night."

"I..I what?" he said as his face  turned bright red.

"It's cool, i like you too. But i need to know when our first date is. I have a very busy schedule."

"Um. I don't know. How's tomorrow night, around 6?"

"Okay sounds like a plan to me. Hey do me a favor and ask Alfred to give me a drive home. It's pretty chilly."

"No problem." he said as he uncontrollably smiled.

Time Skip That NIght At Dinner

"Selina is coming for dinner tomorrow."

"Is she now? I guessing you don't want me to be here than"

"Well it's our first date."

"Ah so you finally told her huh."

"She clams I did last night. But last night is all a blur."

"You were pretty groggy. Speaking a lot of nonsense. So it's possible you told her." Said Alfred as he took one last bite of roast beef.

"What do you fancy for dinner tomorrow?"

"Um... how about Chicken paremesean."

"Well if you want that I'll have to go to the store. Will you be okay tomorrow by yourself?"

"I'll be fine."

"And if Selina comes while I'm gone no funny business. Is that clear?"

"Yes Alfred. Though I don't know what you mean."

"Oh you know exactly what I mean."

"Gross Alfred! I'm eating dinner."

They both laughed as Alfred made his way over to the sink and began washing the dishes.

Sorry it's short

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