Chapter 7

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Third Person

alfred showed up around 3 to pick up Bruce. When Alfred entered the room he found Brucse standing putting on a shirt (well trying to a least).

"Master Bruce! What do you think you are doing? you're going to hurt yourself now stop!"

Bruce stoped trying to put his arm through the sleve.

"I'm sorry Alfred. I just wanted to test my limits of what i can do."

"It looks more like you're trying to kill yourself." Said Alfred with some sass. "The car is parked out front and ready to take you home, now here let me help you get your shirt on."

Alfred wheeled Bruce out of the hospital and assited him into the car.

"How long will it be before i can get back to school and take a look at my computer?"

"What do you mean computer? I never told you the computer was fixed."

"yes you did, when i was in my comma. You said it i heard you."

"did you now? And what else did you hear?"

"Well for one, i heard you tell Selina i love her. And i heard her say she liked me too. And i felt her kiss me; everytime she came and saw me." Said Bruce cheerfully.

"Kissed you? You sure it wasn't your imagination?"

"I'm postitive Alfred. I like her a lot." he said uncontrollby  smiling. "But i need some advice."

"Advice? Well I was very swift with the ladies back in my day, if i do say so myself."

"Sure you were." Said Bruce chuckling to himself.

"Well what kind of advice are you looking for."

"I have invited Selina over for dinner tonight with us and I don't want to scare her away, but I like her a lot and want to tell her how i feel. I was wondering how i might do that."

"Rule numer 1: Never invite a girl over for dinner when other people are dinning with you, that means i won't be joining you and Ms. Kyle for dinner. Rule number 2: Don't be scared. it takes a lot of nerve to tell someone your affection towards them. And last: Make sure to impress her. Compliment her on her clothes. Use manners. Laugh at stuff she says, and when you are ready to tell her don't chicken out at the last second."

After all of this was said they had finally arived at Wayne Mannor.

"Easy now Master Bruce you don't want to go hurting yourself." Alfred said has he help Bruce out of the car. "There you go one step at a time."

"Alfred I don't need you puppy guarding me, I can walk on my own." bruce said has he entered his home.

Bruce hadn't been home in over a month. He lived with Selina for 3 weeks and when it came time for him to test his streetsmarts he was shot and spent 2 and a half weeks at a hospital in a comma.

He slowly walked up the stairs and into his bedroom. He laid down on the bed and thought about what he was going to say to Selina. Just as he began to fall asleep he heard and click and a squeak. Before he could even turn to see what was happening Selina was hovering over him.

"What's up, kid?"

"How many times do i have to ask you to stop calling me that? i'm not a kid I'm 16 and you're only 4 months older than me."

"I know but it's fun."

"What are you doing here? I was trying to take a nap."

"I wasn't sure what time dinner what so i just showed up now."

"Well dinner isn't for another 2 hours."

"Oh well i guess I'll stay here for a while."

Bruce remembered Alfred's rules and sat up and looked Selina up and down.

"You look nice." He sad a little unsure considering she was wearing what she wore all the time; leather everything."


"Alfred won't be joining us for dinner he has some business to adend."

"Um okay than. What do you wan to do until than?"

"Sleep." He said jokingly as he laid his head down on his fluffy pillow.

"Okay." she said pulling the sheets and crawling under them.

This wasn't the first time Bruce had slept with Selina. But it was a little more awkward considering it was in his house.

"Selina," He said turning over and facing her. "I'm happy you're here."

"Me too."

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