Chapter 4

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Bruce's POV

"BRUCE! BRUCE! Look at me Bruce!" screamed Selina as she pulled of her jacket and placed it on my chest.

I tried to talk, but no words were spoken. I just stared at her, wanting to tell her how i felt, but i couldn't find the words. Then it all went black.

"Are you his guardian?." said a doctor.

"Yes." Said Alfred.

"And you are?"

"I'm Selina."

"And your relationship to Mr. Wayne?"


"Okay well Bruce isn't gonna die, but he's in a coma. We're not sure how long. It could be days, it could be months. There's no telling how long. He's been seriously inquired. I'm sorry, but for now we'll just have to wait."

What the hell? Where am I. Is that me laying on the bed? Why am I bleeding?

I can see myself. Why do I look awful? Am I dead?

Why I Selina crying? What's Alfred doing here?

Selina walked up to my body. She leaned down and whispered in my ear.

"Bruce please come back. Come back to me."

I'm right here. What are you talking about. Selina? Selina I'm right here.

She then turned and talked to Alfred.

Why can't she hear me? Alfred do you hear me?

"What the hell happened? Give me every bloodly detail. Now."

Alfred don't be mad at her it's my fault.

Time skip 2 days later.

"So Bruce is healing just fine, but he still isn't awake. We have to move Bruce out of the ICU and to a normal hospital room and just wait for him to wake up." Explained the doctor.

As said I was moved to a normal hospital room. This one had a nice big couch and a great view of the city. Selina hadn't come back in a while. I don't expect her to do so. Alfred leaves every night and comes back before the sun a can even rise over the river bank. All I know is I am fully aware of where I am and what's going on. But I still don't know why I can see everything, but be laying on a hospital bed at the same time.

The next day

Selina came a saw me today. She seemed really upset. I wish I could just hug her and tell it will be okay, but I'm kinda stuck outside of my body.

I left the room for a minutes when I felt someone touching me. I walk back into the room and see Selina kissing my forehead. She pulls away with tears in her eyes as one rolls down he cheek Alfred walks in and she quickly wipes it away.

"I know it's frightening, but master Bruce is a fighter and he can handle himself" Said Alfred calmly.

"I know he can, but it should have been me. He's doesn't deserve this. He has people who care about him I don't."

"Pardon me Ms. Kyle, but I think Bruce cares about you very much. If anything happened to you. Well I'm not sure what Bruce would do. He... well Ms. Kyle, Bruce loves you."

Selina's cheeks turned bright red.

"He... he what now?"

Alfred! Why would you say that?! I was gonna tell her when I awake. Great now you've scared her off.

Selina got up and ran out the door.

Selina wait! I wanted to run after her, but something pulled me back.

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