Chapter 11

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"I'm home!" Alfred shouted. "Master Bruce? Were are you?"  He said as he made his way to Bruce's room. Only to find him asleep.  "Master B? Wake up. I'm back."

Bruce stretched and quickly grabbed his side in pain.

"Hello Alfred."

"You ought to let some light in here. It's as dark as night."

"Well the blinds were shut because I was sleeping."

"Sleep, sleep, and more sleep is all you've done since you've been home." Said Alfred as he opened the curtains.

"You make it sound like I've been home for weeks. It's been two days." Bruce replied covering his face in his pillow.

"Come on you sleepy butt. Miss. Kyle will be here in a little while."

"She won't be here till 6. Well 7 knowing her." Bruce moaned rolling over.

"Well its 4 so get a move on."Alfred said ripping the covers off Bruce. "Oh now you sleep in your day clothes. You've really become a typical teenager, haven't you."

"No." whined Bruce trying to pull the sheets back over him. "Just Bruce, that's all."

"Well just Bruce you need take a showe.."


"Okay then how about getting dress?"

"Already wearing it."

"Master Bruce your shirt has some blood on it."

"What?" Said Bruce sitting up causing a sting in his side.

Alfred was right. Some blood was bleeding through his shirt.

"Well those doctors sure have no bloody idea how to stitch up a wound. Here let me look at it."

"I'm okay Alfred. I'm sure it's old."

"Oh for pete's sake. Let me look." Said Alfred in a demanding tone.

Bruce slightly lifted his shirt to where you could see bandages with blood leaking through.

"See how hard was that. It's old blood. I'll turn the kettle on and begin cooking."as Alfred walked out the room he turned and said to bruce, "change your shirt. You're going on a date so dress in something peachy."

2 and a half hour time skip

"Dinner is getting cold."

"Give it some time she'll be here. I just know it."

"Well I'll let you think that." Alfred said pulling his apron off.

"What little faith you have in me Alfred." Selina said walking into the dinning room.

"You look beautiful." Commented Bruce.

"You don't look to shabby yourself.

Selina was wearing a red dress with white flats and bruce was wearing a dark blue oxford button up with black slacks.

"Well I'll leave you two alone. Remember no funny business." Alfred said gearing at Selina.

"Who spit in his soup?" Said Selina rolling her eyes.


"Never mind. Dinner looks nice."

"Yes, Alfred is quite a good cook."

"One question. What is it?"

"Um it's chicken paremesean."

"I'm sure it's good. Where's your wheelchair?"

"I don't think it's necesary. I'm okay."

"Really? You're okay? Seems like just a little bit ago I was hear listening to you whine and cry."

"I wasn't crying."

"Okay... whatever you say. Let's eat I'm starving."

"Here let me get your chair." Bruce said walking over and pulling her chair out.

"Why thank you good sir." She said in a sarcastic tone.

Bruce sat down and couldn't help but admire the beautiful girl sitting infront of him. She wasn't just a girl, but now his girlfriend too.

"Selina...?" Bruce asked

"Hmm?" She mumbled through a mouth full of chicken.

"How have you been?"

Selina put up her pointer finger as she swallowed the chicken stuffed in her mouth.

"Okay I guess for living on the streets."

"You know you will always have a room here."

"We've been through this. I don't need your help." She said pissed off.

"I know I jus.."

"You just what?"

"I just thought you might reconsider my offer."

Silance filled the air.

"I don't a charity donation."

"That's not what I was

"Well its better get going.

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