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                            , LysaMonica14

(A fellow member of the OOTL,)

and I have came up with a conspiracy

That Luktra was planned to happen by telltale

But didn't happen because people were pushing their own ships

So telltale decided to slightly ship people with each other

Like Lukas and Jesse, or Jesse and Petra

But they still wanted to include Luktra, so they limited most ship teasing

Towards the main three (other than Ivor)

And they started favouring Lukesse

Because more people shipped them..I guess? I dunno.

Then more people started shipping Petra and Jesse

So they included Petra and Jesse moments

And Lukas and Petra shippers kinda got squished out

But Telltale wanted to include them too, but they couldn't as much

Probably because Jetra and Lukesse shippers overshadowed the Luktra shippers

And telltale didn't want the fanbase who had created so much artwork and stories

To be confused

So they only slightly hinted at luktra

LysaMonica14: Hey...what if were wrong about this?

Me: Then....well huddle in a corner together and eat our feelings.

LysaMonica14: ....yup, sounds about right

Go check out LysaMonica's version of this conspiracy!

Goooo nowww!!!

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