The Participants show everyone behind the scenes of the murder mystery -Day 3

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Day 3 of filming


papisuu: Hey! It's day 3 of filming, and we've officially had our first death!

Crystalsong11: *in background* don't spoil it though

papisuu: Nonono, I won't.

*scene cuts*

Joey: Oh, hello there! I'm just helping little Stacy with her outfits for the film!

Stacy: *monotone* Oh yay, how can I ever repay you?

Joey: *laughs* Well, for starters, you can put this on.

*Joeys shoves costume at Stacy*

Stacy: *sighs* fine, Joey.

*scene cuts*

Lizzie: Oh! Stacy! Stacy your cat!!

Stacy: Wha..? Oh! Milquetoast!!

Milquetoast: Mow.

*Milquetoast perched on high beam above studio...*

Stacy: Milquetoast, come down here now!! Milque!!

Milquetoast: Mow. *tail flicks slightly and Milque purrs.*

Stacy: I give up.

*scene cuts*

Stampy: *filming* We've been trying to get the cat down for an hour now.

Camera guy: *in background* Here, kitty kitty...

Stacy: *reaching up, then looks at camera and rolls eyes* This is stupid.

Lizzie: *laughs* There's like thirty of them up there trying to get him down.

*scene cuts*

Dan: *looks into camera hugging props and clothing* Hi!

Sparklez: We're just helping out with props and costume design.

Dan: I've dropped there things too many times.

Sparklez: Joey's gonna kill us.

*scene cuts*

1silverswirl1: Ok, we're just in a little hang out room, playing on the console.

*films everyone on comfy couches and fluffy pillows..*

*everyone cheering on Petra or Dan as they play Gang Beasts on xBox...*

Petra: Ok, I want to be red.

Dan: Fine, I'll be blue.

Jesse: *from couch...* Because Petra's hair is red and Dan's is...

*Petra and Dan both glare at Jesse*


*scene cuts*

*Dan and Petra continuing to play Gang Beasts...*

*everyone shouting at them, suddenly Dan kills Petra in-game.*

Dan: YES!

Petra: NO!

Dan: *high-fives Lizzie, Joey, Sparklez, Stacy, and Stampy..*

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